Principle of Economics 1st Year Guess Paper

Very important Multiple Choice Questions, short and long questions as a form of Principle of Economics 1st Year Guess Paper written by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Asool e Muashiyat I.Com Part 1 Guess Paper of Principle of Economics for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • By Reading Principle of Economics 1st Year Guess Paper explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions of Principle of Economics in English and Urdu Medium class 11th from previous 20 years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Important Short Questions of Principle of Economics in English and Urdu Medium class 11th from previous 20 years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Important Long Questions of Principle of Economics in English and Urdu Medium class 11th from previous 20 years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Define Economics according to Adam Smith.
  • Define Economics in the words of Prof Marshall.
  • Define Economics in the words of Prof Robbins.
  • Write four limitations of law of diminishing marginal utility.
  • Write four determinants of utility.
  • Differentiate between more elastic and less elastic demand.
  • What is meant by complements or joint demanded goods?
  • Differentiate between extension and contraction of supply.
  • Write the methods of measurement of elasticity of supply.
  • Differentiate between perishable goods and durable goods.
  • Differentiate between perfect competition and pure competition.
  • Our comprehensive Asool e Muashiyat I.Com Part 1 Guess Paper will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Write equation of marginal product off factors regarding marginal productivity theory.
  • Write four assumptions of Marginal Productivity Theory.
  • Define National income in the words of Prof Marshall.
  • Define National income in the words of Prof Ackley Gardener.
  • Differentiate between real national income and nominal national income.
  • What is meant by deficit or unfavourable balance of trade?
  • What is meant by surplus or favourable balance of payments?
  • Write four invisible items of balance of payments.
  • What is meant by private finance?
  • Differentiate between the incidence of tax and the impact of tax?
  • What is meant by budget?
  • What is meant by deficit budget?
  • What is meant by balanced budget?
  • Differentiate between Fee and tax.
  • Write four main sources of public revenue.
  • Describe Adam Smith’s definition of economics and evaluate it critically.
  • Give the definition of Prof. Alferd Marshall and give a critical evaluation of it.
  • Describe Prof. Robbin’s definition and also point out its merits and demerits.
  • Compare the definitions of Prof. Robbins and Prof. Marshall.
  • What are economic laws? Describe characteristics of economic laws. Also compare economic laws with state laws, moral laws and scientific laws.
  • Describe the difference between the extension and contraction, and rise and fall in demand, describe the causes of changes in demand.
  • How is price determined by the equilibrium of demand and supply or under perfect competition? Explain it with the help of schedule and diagram.
  • Explain the equilibrium of firm and industry in long run under perfect competition.
  • Describe the classical theory of distribution of wealth and evaluate it critically.
  • Describe meaning of national income. Explain various concepts of national income.

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