Computer Science 9th Class Guess Paper
Very important Multiple Choice Questions, Short and Long questions as a form of Computer Science 9th Class Guess Paper in Urdu and English Medium written by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Computer Science 9th Class Guess Paper of Computer in Urdu and English Medium for the students of the Matric and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Very Important Multiple Choice Questions of full book Computer in Urdu and English Medium class 9 from previous 20 years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
- Important Short and Long Questions of Computer in Urdu and English Medium class 9 from previous 20 years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
- Draw the flowchart for the following problem: Input two numbers n1 and n2. Determine whether n1 divides n2 or not.
- Draw the flowchart for the following problem: Input a year and determine whether it is a leap year or not.
- Draw the flowchart for the following problem: Input a number and calculate its factorial.
- Differentiate between point-to-point and multipoint connection.
- What is application sharing? Answer with the help of an example.
- What is the advantages and disadvantages of star topology over bus topology?
- In a client server model, is client software or hardware? Give reasons to support your answer.
- Write the names of computers network models layers.
- Write a short note on computer network models.
- What is meant by TCP/IP protocol?
- Define an algorithm and argue on its role and importance in problem solving.
- Explain the types of test data.
- What is network topology? Describe bus, star, ring and mesh topologies.
- What is meant by encryption? Also write importance of encryption for everyday life on the internet.
- Write two substitution cipher methods and also give an example.
- Write a note on the advantages and disadvantages for substitution cipher methods
- Elaborate relationship between cryptographic keys and passwords. Also write characteristics of a good password.
- Differentiate between ordered and unordered list.
- Describe the basic text formatting tags.
- What is difference between hyperlink and anchor?
- Create a basic table with following attributes: "colspan”, “rowspan"
- Explain the steps involved to create a HTML page.
- What is meant by number system?
- What numerical system do we use in our daily lives?
- What do you know about decimal system?
- What is meant by binary system and write its base.
- Write the base of decimal system and binary system.
- Which system is used to store data in digital computers?
- Write the binary and decimal value of the letter A.
- What is meant by hexadecimal system and also write its base.
- Write the value of A, B, C, D, E, F in hexadecimal system.
- What do you know about number system conversion?
- Write the method for convert’s decimal number into binary number.
- Convert the following into binary. 15610
- What do you know about computer memory?
- What do you know about volatile memory?
- Write a short note on non-volatile memory.
- Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile memory.
- What is meant by ASCII codes?
- Write the abbreviation of ASCII.
- What do you know about De-facto standard?
- What is meant by storage device and also write its two examples.
- Differentiate between memory and storage.
- What is meant by bit and how much data is stored in it?
- How many bytes are there in one kilobyte and one megabyte?
- What is meant by preposition?
- What do you know about truth values?
- What is meant by compound preposition?
- Write a short note on AND operator.
- What do you know about OR operator?
- What is meant by NOT operator and also write its example.
- Write a short note on truth table.
- Make a truth table for AND operator.
- What is meant by Boolean expression?