Class 9 English Chapter 11 Notes

Important translations, word meanings, antonyms and questions with answers of additional and exercises of Noise in the Environmen as Class 9 English Chapter 11 Notes written by Honorable Sir Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Class 9 English Chapter 11 Notes these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Noise pollution is defined as any form of noise that disrupts the normal functioning of life. If left unchecked, it can have serious effects on the mind and body of humans.
  • Noise pollution is one of the biggest source of discomfort, stress and nuisance in Pakistan. In urban areas and big cities, noise pollution has reached to a dangerous level. For instance, a survey by the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency claims that the level of noise in Lahore has reached 91 decibels whereas a maximum of 75 decibels is acceptable. This means that the mental and physical health of so many people is already at risk.
  • The major causes of noise pollution in Pakistan are traffic on roads, construction sites, careless use of electronic appliances and loud speech patterns. Noise coming from different modes of transport, i.e. vehicles, airplanes, trains, ships, proves to be highly stressful for human communities. With the population growth and development in urban areas, the vehicular traffic has also multiplied. This has given rise to noise pollution, largely in the form of unwarranted honking by drivers. Also, the mushroom growth of residential colonies near airports and railway stations has exposed residents to permanent and unavoidable source of noise pollution.
  • Another source of noise pollution in urban areas is the work on construction sites. Construction work in urban areas is usually slow and time-consuming. The use of transport and equipment at construction sites, its grilling and piercing sound is a big source of noise pollution. It not only disturbs the general public but also affects the construction workers by causing mental fatigue.
  • Use of technology is another cause of noise pollution. For example, unmonitored use of mobile phones, electricity generators, music systems and TV, all become irritants from time to time. People usually do not switch off their mobiles or put them on silent modes when they enter offices, hospitals, schools and colleges. They also use electricity generators excessively in residential areas and put other residents ill at ease. Moreover, listening to loud music or TV on a loud volume is another source of noise pollution. For this, people need to develop some civic responsibility so that others may not be in trouble because of their careless actions.
  • Noise pollution causes not only environmental damage but it also has a negative impact on human health. It can cause aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, restlessness, depression and insomnia. Insomnia can further lead to anxiety, bad temper and emotional stress. In addition, noise pollution can seriously affect the learners, it gives them unnecessary mental and physical tension.
  • In Pakistan, there is a dire need to bring down the noise levels, coming from different sources. The government must gear up and utilize various means to control unwarranted noise levels. For example, the Punjab Environment Protection Agency recommends around 55 decibels of noise level in residential colonies and 75 decibels in commercial areas. These figures must be strictly enforced by the government. Furthermore, the government should ensure smooth traffic flow, block noise emitting vehicles from roads, use noise barriers where necessary, and expedite construction work to minimize noise pollution. Also, the residential societies should come forward to frame and enforce rules in their areas to check unnecessary noise producing agents. Offices, hospitals and academic institutions should strictly prohibit the use of mobile phones for better noise management. Moreover, people should be discouraged to speak loudly in these areas.
  • Noise pollution is a serious issue and needs attention at local and state level. People must develop awareness about the dangerous impact of noise on human health. It is, therefore, a need to acquire more civic sense and responsible attitude to avoid the unnecessary use of noise pollution irritants in the environment. Only then our country would be a much quieter and peaceful place to live in.
  • Theme: The unit gives awareness about the negative impact of noise pollution on human health. It describes the major contributors of noise pollution and how they affect mental and physical health. It also outlines various solutions to combat the problem of noise pollution.
  • Here are the detailed 9th class english chapter 11 notes to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Important Questions of Noise in the Environment
  • How do you define noise pollution?
  • How is transport a source of noise pollution?
  • How is construction work a cause of noise pollution?
  • How is the use of technology causing noise pollution?
  • Why is noise dangerous for human health?
  • What kind of precautions may reduce noise coming from electronic devices?
  • What is normal functioning and how is it disrupted?
  • How does technology increase noise pollution? What are technology-based irritants?
  • What are the harmful effects of noise pollution on human health?
  • How can we cope with the serious issue of noise pollution?

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