Class 11th Physics Chapter 9 Notes

Important Easy to understand Class 11th Physics Chapter 9 Notes Physical Optics written by Professor Mr. Asad Abbas Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of class 11th physics chapter 9 important questions for students of the 11th class and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab Book Boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions class 11th physics chapter 9 mcq with Answers of the Chapter No. 9: Physical Optics in 1st Year Physics Punjab Book Boards.
  • Definition of Physical Optics
  • Definition of Light
  • What is Wave front, spherical and plane wave front. Also define ray of light.
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 9 exercise questions from Punjab Textbook.
  • State Huygens’s principle.
  • What is Interference of light? Also define its types and condition for detection of interferometer.
  • Explain Young Double slit experiment.
  • What is Thin film? Give the factors upon which path difference of thin film depend.
  • Factors upon path difference depends
  • Write a note on Newton Rings.
  • Definition of Newton Rings
  • Why central spot is dark in Newton rings
  • What is Michelson Interferometer? Explain its principle, construction and working.
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 9 exercise from Punjab Textbook.
  • What is Diffraction of light? Explain diffraction due to narrow.
  • What are X-rays? Explain Diffraction of X rays through crystals and derive Bragg’s law.
  • Diffraction of X-rays through crystals: 
  • In order to observe the effects of diffraction, the grating spacing must be of the order of the wavelength of the radiation used. The regular array of atoms in a crystal forms a natural diffraction grating with spacing that is typically 10 m. The scattering of X-rays from the atoms in a crystalline lattice gives rise to diffraction effects very similar to those observed with visible light incident on ordinary grating
  • The study of atomic structure of crystals by X-rays was initiated in 1914 by W.H. Bragg and W.L. Bragg with remarkable achievements. They found that a monochromatic beam of X-rays was reflected from a crystal plane as if it acted like mirror. To understand this effect, a series of atomic planes of constant interplanar spacing d parallel to a crystal face are shown by lines PP PPPP and so on, in Fig. 9.12.
  • Suppose an X-rays beam is incident at an angle 8 on one of the planes. The beam can be reflected from both the upper and the lower planes of atoms. The beam reflected from lower plane travels some extra distance as compared to the beam reflected from the upper plane. The effective path difference between the two reflected beams is 20 sint. Therefore, for reinforcement, the path difference should be an integral multiple of the wavelength.
  • Uses of X-rays diffraction/Bragg equation.
  • What is Polarization? Steps for detection and production of plane polarized light.
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 9 numericals from Punjab Textbook.
  • Steps for detection and production of plane polarized light
  • Light waves are transverse in nature
  • Polarizer/concentration in solution
  • Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?
  • How is the distance between interference fringes affected by the separation between the slits of Young’s experiment? Can fringes disappear?
  • In the Young’s experiment, one of the slits is covered with blue filter and other with red filter. What would be the pattern of light intensity on the screen?
  • Explain whether the Young’s experiment is an experiment for studying interference or diffraction effects of light.
  • An oil film spreading over a wet footpath shows colors. Explain how does it happen?
  • Could you obtain Newton’s rings with transmitted light? If yeas, would the pattern be different from that obtained with reflected light?
  • In the white light spectrum obtained with a diffraction grating, the third order image of a wavelength coincides with the fourth order image of a second wavelength. Calculate the ratio of the two wavelengths.
  • How would you manage to get more orders of spectra using a diffraction grating?
  • Why the Polaroid sunglasses are better than ordinary sunglasses?
  • How would you distinguish between un-polarized and plan-polarized lights?

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