Chapter 7 Physics Class 11 Notes

Complete handwritten Notes on Chapter 7 Physics Class 11 Notes written by Professor Shahroze Saleem Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the Oscillations Notes for the students of the Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important from chapter 7 physics class 11 important questions Punjab Textbook.
  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Instantaneous displacement and amplitude of vibration: It can be seen in Fig. 7.2 that when a body is vibrating, its displacement from the mean position changes with time The value of its distance from the mean position at any time is known as its instantaneous displacement. It is zero at the instant when the body is at the mean position and is maximum at the extreme positions. The maximum value of displacement is known as amplitude.
  • The arrangement shown in Fig. 7.3 can be used to record the variations in displacement with time for a mass-spring system. The strip of paper is moving at a constant speed from right to left, thus providing a time scale on the strip. A pen attached with the vibrating mass records its displacement against time as shown in Fig. 7.3. It can be seen that the curve showing the variation of displacement with time is a sine curve. It is usually known as wave-form of SHM. The points B and D correspond to the extreme positions of the vibrating mass and points A, C and E show its mean position. Thus the line ACE represents the level of mean position of the mass on the strip. The amplitude of vibration is thus a measure of the line Bb or Dd in Fig. 7.3.
  • Important from chapter 7 physics class 11 numericals Punjab Textbook.
  • Time period and frequency
  • SMH and uniform circular motion
  • Displacement
  • Instantaneous velocity
  • Important from chapter 7 physics class 11 exercise solutions Punjab Textbook.
  • Acceleration in time of ω
  • Phase
  • A horizontal mass-spring system
  • Spring pendulum
  • Important from chapter 7 physics class 11 short questions Punjab Textbook.
  • Energy conservation in SMS
  • Vibration: A vibration means one complete round trip of the body in motion. In Fig. 7.3, it is the motion of mass from its mean position to the upper extreme position, from upper extreme position to lower extreme position and back to its mean position. In Fig. 7.3, the curve ABCDE correspond to the different positions of the pen during one complete vibration. Alternatively the vibration can also be defined as mation of the body from its one extreme position back to the same extreme position. This will correspond to the portion of curve from points B to F or from points D to H.
  • (iii) Time Period: It is the time Trequired to complete one vibration.
  • (iv) Frequency:Frequency f is the number of vibrations executed by a body in one second and is expressed as vibrations per second or cycles per second or hertz (Hz). The definitions of 7 and show that the two quantities are related by the equation.
  • Free and forced oscillation
  • Important from chapter 7 physics class 11 exercise Punjab Textbook.
  • Resonance
  • Angular frequency:  If T is the time period of a body executing SHM, its angular frequency will be Omega =2pi f. Angular frequency is basically a characteristic of circular motion. Here it has been introduced in SHM because it provides an easy method by which the value of Instantaneous displacement and instantaneous velocity of a body executing SHIM can be computed.
  • Damped oscillation
  • Sharpness of resonance
  • Important from chapter 7 physics class 11 conceptual questions Punjab Textbook.

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