Chapter 3 Statistics Class 11 Notes

Important Notes of complete Chapter 3 Statistics Class 11 Notes written by Professor Mr. Faraz Qasir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Chapter 3 Statistics Class 11 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive class 11 chapter 3 statistics notes will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Introduction to Measure of Location: The diagrammatic representation of a set of data can give us some impressions about its distribution. Even then, there remains a need for a single quantitative measure which could be used to indicate the centre of the distribution. The measures commonly used for this purpose are mean, median and mode. Geometric mean and harmonic mean are also sometimes used.
  • Don't miss out on these free and reliable class 11 statistics chapter 3 solutions study materials for your exams.
  • These measures are single values, which represent the given data and are known as averages or measures of location or measures of central tendency. The name measures of location arises as these measures give an indication where to locate a distribution; The decision as to which measure is to be used depends upon the particular situation under consideration.
  • Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow class 11 statistics chapter 3 important questions with answers.
  • Properties of a good average are:
  • i) It is well defined.
  • ii) It is easy to calculate.
  • It is easy to understand.
  • By Reading class 11 statistics chapter 3 notes explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
  • iv) It is based on all the values.
  • v) It is capable of mathematical treatment.
  • The important types of averages are:
  • These class 11 economics statistics chapter 3 notes are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • i) Arithmetic mean and Weighted mean.
  • ii) Geometric mean
  • Harmonic mean
  • iv) Median
  • v) Mode
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized class 11 statistics chapter 3 notes pdf.
  • What is meant by measures of central tendency?
  • Write the types of averages.
  • What are two qualities of a good average?
  • Mean of 5 values is 70. Find the sum of values.
  • Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured statistics class 11 chapter 3 notes pdf.
  • In a moderately skewed distribution, the values of mean and median are 120 and 110 respectively, find the value of mode.
  • Given u = (x – 170)/5, βˆ‘fu = 100, βˆ‘f = 200, find arithmetic mean.
  • Write down any two mathematical properties of arithmetic mean. 
  • Get access to high-quality kkkk that cover all the important topics.
  • Define mode and give its formula in case of grouped data.  
  • Find the mode of 3, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 10, 12, and 10.
  • Define the median with formula.
  • Write down the properties of median. 
  • Download the statistics chapter 3 exercise answers class 11 today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of median?
  • Merits of Median
  • Define quartiles; also write down its formulas.
  • These statistics for economics class 11 chapter 3 notes are designed to simplify your study sessions.
  • If the value of Q2, D5 and P50 are equal to 72.32 then find the median of the distribution.
  • Define geometric mean with formula.
  • If geometric mean of 3 items is 7, find the product of all items? 
  • Find harmonic mean of 5, 10, and 20.
  • If you're looking for comprehensive class 11 statistics chapter 3 questions and answers, you've come to the right place.
  • Define weighted mean.
  • Define harmonic mean.
  • Calculate geometric mean of X = 1, 1, 27. 
  • Write down properties of geometric mean. 
  • You can also download the statistics chapter 3 class 11 notes for free.
  • Write down merits of geometric mean. 
  • Write down demerits of geometric mean.
  • Write down the merits of A.M.
  • Here are the detailed statistics economics class 11 chapter 3 notes to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Write demerits of A.M.
  • Find A.M. if 𝒇𝒙 = πŸ“πŸŽπŸŽ and 𝒇 = πŸ“πŸŽ.
  • If G.M. of two values is 3. Find the product of two values. 
  • Illustrate the graphically positions of mean, median and mode for frequency curve which are skewed to the right and left.
  • Download the statistics for economics class 11 chapter 3 notes pdf today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • What are the properties of mode?
  • Write down the merits of mode.
  • What are the demerits of mode?
  • Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured notes of statistics class 11 chapter 3.
  • Define average. 
  • If π’š 𝟏 = πŸ‘ with π’πŸ= πŸ‘and π’š 𝟐 = πŸ’ with π’πŸ=𝟐, then find π’š 𝒄 .
  • For a certain frequency distribution, the mean was 40.5 and median was 36. Find mode by using of empirical relation.
  • Get access to high-quality statistics chapter 3 exercise answers class 11 that cover all the important topics.

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