9th Class Physics Chapter 6 Notes

Complete Notes of 9th Class Physics Chapter 6 Notes Work and Energy Notes of 9th Class Physics English Medium written by Professor Tayyab Shahzad. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Work and Energy Notes for students of the 9th Class Physics Chapter 6 Notes these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed Class 9 Physics Notes Chapter 6 to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Work and Energy Exercise Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers
  • Work and Energy Exercise Short Questions with Answers
  • Define work. What is its SI unit?
  • Why do we need energy?
  • When does a force do work? Explain.
  • Define energy, and give two types of mechanical energy
  • Define potential energy and derive its relation.
  • Define K.E and derive its relation.
  • Why fossils fuels are called non-renewable forms of energy?
  • You can also download the Chapter 6 Physics Class 9 Notes for free.
  • How is energy converted from one form to another? Explain. 
  • Which form of energy is most preferred and why?
  • Name a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  • Name the five devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. 
  • What is meant by the efficiency of a system?
  • What is meant by the term power?
  • How can you find the efficiency of a system?
  •  Define Watt with the formula 
  • If you're looking for comprehensive Physics Ch 6 Class 9 Notes, you've come to the right place.
  • Important values and Important Formulas
  • Work and Energy Exercise Numericals with Solutions
  • Analyse and explain improvements in sports performance using principles and concepts related to work, kinetic and potential energy and law of conservation of energy (e.g. explain the importance of the initial kinetic energy of a pole vaulter or high jumper).
  • Search library or internet and compare the efficiencies of energy conversion devices by comparing energy input and useful energy output.
  • Important notes of computer Class 9 Physics Chapter 6 Notes pdf for Matriculation part-I students.
  • Explain principle of conservation of energy and apply this principle to explain the conversion of energy from one form to another such as a motor, a dynamo, a photocell and a battery, a freely falling body.
  • List the efficient use of energy in the context of the home, heating and cooling of buildings and transportation.
  • Generally, work refers to perform some task or job. In science, work has precise meaning. For example, a man carrying a load is doing work but he is not doing work if he is not moving while keeping the load on his head. Scientifically, work is done only when an effort or force moves an object. When work is done, energy is used. Thus, work and energy are related to each other. The concept of energy is an important concept in Physics. It helps us to identify the changes that occur when work is done This unit deals with the concepts of work, power and energy.
  • WORK: In Physics, work is said to be done when a force acts on a body and moves it in the direction of the force.
  • Mathematically, Work is a product of force F and displacement S in the direction of force. Thus Work done = Force x displacement  W = FS    Work done in displacing a body in the direction of force.
  • "Work is done when a force acting on a body displaces it in the direction of a force". 
  • Work is a scalar quantity. It depends on the force acting on a body, displacement of the body and the angle between them.
  • ENERGY: The energy is an important and fundamental concept in science. It links almost all the natural phenomena. When we say that a body has energy, we mean that it has the ability to do work. Water running down the stream has the ability to do work, so it possesses energy. The energy of running water can be used to run water mills or water turbines. 
  • "A body possesses energy if it is capable to do work". 

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