1st Year Physics Notes Chapter 1

Complete handwritten 1st Year Physics Notes Chapter 1 written by Professor Mr. Tayyab Shahzad Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 1st Year Physics Notes Chapter 1 of for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 mcqs from Textbook Punjab.
  • Introduction of Physics: 
  • At the present time, there are three main frontiers of fundamental science. First, the world of the extremely large, the universe itself, Radio telescopes now gather information from the far side of the universe and have recently detected, as radio waves, the "firelight" of the big bang which probably started off the expanding universe nearly 20 billion years ago. Second, the world of the extremely small, that of the particles such as, electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons and others. The third frontier is the world of complex matter. It is also the World of "middle-sized things, from molecules at one extreme to the Earth at the other. This is all fundamental physics, which is the heart of science.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 mcqs with answers from Textbook Punjab.
  • But what is physics? According to one definition, physics deals with the study of matter and energy and the relationship between them. The study of physics involves investigating such things as the laws of motion, the structure of space and time, the nature and type of forces that hold different materials together, the interaction between different particles, the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and so on.
  • Very important 1st year physics notes chapter 1 measurement from Textbook Punjab.
  • By the end of 19th century many physicists started believing that every thing about physics has been discovered. However, about the beginning of the twentieth century many new experimental facts revealed that the laws formulated by the previous investigators need modifications. Further researches gave birth to many new disciplines in physics such as nuclear physics which deals with atomic nuclei. 
  • Very important mcqs of physics 1st year chapter 1 from Textbook Punjab.
  • The measurement of a base quantity involves two steps: first, the choice of a standard, and second, the establishment of a procedure for comparing the quantity to be measured with the standard so that a number and a unit are determined as the measure of that quantity.
  • Very important physics 1st year notes chapter 1 from Textbook Punjab.
  • An ideal standard has two principal characteristics: it is accessible and it is invariable. These two requirements are often incompatible and a compromise has to be made between them.
  • Areas of Physics
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 short questions from Textbook Punjab.
  • Physical quantities: The quantities which their can be measured physically physical quantities. effect are called or by physics. Examples: Length mass, time, force, speed etc. Types of Physical Quantities:
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 short questions pdf from Textbook Punjab.
  • Base Quantities: The quantities in terms of other called base which are not defined physical quantities are quantities. Types of physical quantities with examples measurement of a base quantity. Characteristics of an ideal standard.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 solved exercise from Textbook Punjab.
  • Derived quantities with examples: Base quantities are of those other the physical quantities physical quantities minimum in can terms be number of which defined.Examples: Length, mass, time etc.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 solved exercise pdf from Textbook Punjab.
  • Measurement of Base Quantity:  (1) Choice of standard. (2) To the set up quantity procedure with the For comparing standard.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 important short questions from Textbook Punjab.
  • Characteristics of an ideal standard: An ideal standard has two main characteristics. (i) It is accessible. (ii) It is invariable.
  • 2. Derived Quantities: Derived quantities are on those other whose definitions physical quantities. are based. Example: Velocity, acceleration, Force etc. It is based on two steps. International System of units.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 important questions from Textbook Punjab.
  • Derived unit
  • Scientific notation
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 conceptual questions from Textbook Punjab.
  • Steradion: It is the dimensional of a Solid angle angle) made ot sphere by an Surface equal to the sphere. (three the centre area Squore Its of its of radius of the Symbol is sr.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 solved exercise from Textbook Punjab.
  • Scientific Notation: Numbers standard Form uses powers called of are scientific ten. represented notation in which in Should the be internationally only non-zero accepted digit Form left of there decimal.
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 important long questions from Textbook Punjab.
  • Conventions for indicating units
  • Very important 1st year physics notes chapter 1 measurement exercise from Textbook Punjab.
  • Errors and uncertainties
  • Types of errors
  • Significant figures
  • Rounding of data with examples
  • Very Important 1st year physics chapter 1 exercise short questions from Textbook Punjab.
  • Precision and accuracy
  • Assignment of total uncertainty in the final result
  • Very important 1st year physics chapter 1 solved numericals from Textbook Punjab.
  • Dimensions of physical quantities

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