1st Year Physics Chapter 2 Notes

Complete handwritten Notes of Chapter No.2: 1st Year Physics Chapter 2 Notes written by Professor Mr. Tayyab Shahzad Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Vectors and Equilibrium 1st year Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured 1st year physics chapter 2 mcqs.
  • Basic concepts of vectors
  • What are vectors and Scalars
  • Rectangular coordinate system: Two reference lines drawn at right angles to each other as shown in Fig. 2.1 (a) are known as coordinate axes and their point of intersection is known as origin. This system of coordinate axes is called Cartesian or rectangular coordinate system.
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  • One of the lines is named as x-axis, and the other the y- axis. Usually the x-axis is taken as the horizontal axis, with the positive direction to the right, and the y-axis as the vertical axis with the positive direction upward.
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  • The direction of a vector in a plane is denoted by the angle which the representative line of the vector makes with positive x-axis in the anti-clock wise direction, as shown in Fig 2.1 (b). The point P shown in Fig 2.1 (b) has coordinates (a,b). This notation means that if we start at the origin, we can reach P by moving 'a' units along the positive x-axis and then 'b' units along the positive y-axis.
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  • The direction of a vector in space requires another axis which is at right angle to both x and y axes, as shown in Fig 2.2 (a). The third axis is called z-axis.
  • These 1st year physics chapter 2 short questions are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • The direction of a vector in space is specified by the three angles which the representative line of the vector makes with x, y and z axes respectively as shown in Fig 2.2 (b). The point P of a vector A is thus denoted by three coordinates (a, b, c).
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized 1st year physics chapter 2 short questions pdf.
  • Addition of vectors
  • Resultant vectors: The resultant of a number of vectors of the same kind-force vectors for example, is that single vector which would have the same effect as all the original veotors taken together.
  • Our comprehensive 1st year physics chapter 2 important short questions will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Vector Subtraction: The subtraction of a vector is equivalent to the addition of the same vector with its direction reversed. Thus, to subtract vector B from vector A, reverse the direction of B and add it to A, as shown in Fig. 2.3 (d). A-BA+(-B) where (-B) is negative vector of B.
  • Get access to high-quality 1st year physics chapter 2 important questions that cover all the important topics.
  • Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar: The product of a vector A and a number n > 0 is defined to be a new vector na having the same direction as A but a magnitude n times the magnitude of A as illustrated in Fig. 2.4. If the vector is multiplied by a negative number, then its direction is reversed.
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  • In the event that n represents a scalar quantity, the product nA will correspond to a new physical quantity and the dimensions of the resulting vector will be the product of the dimensions of the two quantities which were multiplied together.
  • These 1st year physics chapter 2 examples are designed to simplify your study sessions.
  • For example, when velocity is multiplied by scalar mass m, the product is a new vector quantity called momentum having the dimensions as those of mass and velocity.
  • If you're looking for comprehensive 1st year physics notes chapter 2 scalar and vector, you've come to the right place.
  • Unit Vector: A unit vector in a given direction is a vector with magnitude one in that direction. It is used to represent the direction of a vector.
  • Vector subtraction
  • You can also download the 1st year physics chapter 2 exercise for free.
  • multiplication of a vector by a scalar
  • Unit vector
  • Null vector
  • Equal vectors
  • Rectangular components of a vector
  • Here are the detailed 1st year physics chapter 2 exercise questions to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Determination of a vector from its rectangular components
  • Position vector
  • Vector addition by rectangular components
  • Download the 1st year physics chapter 2 exercise short questions today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • Product of two vectors
  • Scalar product or Dot product
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized 1st year physics chapter 2 solved exercise pdf.
  • Vector product or cross-product
  • Definition of torque with examples
  • Get access to high-quality physics 1st year chapter 2 numericals that cover all the important topics.
  • Equilibrium of forces
  • The first condition of equilibrium
  • Download the 1st year physics chapter 2 solved exercise today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • Equilibrium of torques
  • The second condition of equilibrium
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized 1st year physics chapter 2 important long questions.

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