1st Year Math Guess Paper
Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short Questions, and Long Questions as a form of 1st year math guess paper written by Professor Mr. Feroz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Mathematics for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Our comprehensive 1st Year Math Guess Paper will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
- Note: Every real number is a complex number with 0 as its imaginary part.
- Note: A real number is self-conjugate.
- Note: The set C of complex numbers does not satisfy the order axioms. In fact there is no sense in saying that one complex number is greater or less than another.
- Note: (1) A = B if and only if they have the same elements means if A = B they have the same elements and if A and B have the same elements then A = B. (2) The phrase if and only if is shortly written as “if “.
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- Note: When we do not want to distinguish between proper and improper subsets, we may use the symbol ⊆ for the relationship. It is easy to see that: N ⊂ Z ⊂ Q ⊂ R.
- Note: (1) The power set of the empty set is not empty. (2) Let n (S) denoted the number of elements of a set S, then n{P(S)} denotes the number of elements of the power set of S. From examples 3 to 7 we get the following table of results:
- Notice that the elements common to A and B, namely the elements 2, 3 have been written only once in A U B because repetition of an element of a set is not allowed to keep the elements distinct.
- Note: In view of the deinition of complement and diference set it is evident that for any set A, A’ =U - A.
- Note: In all the above Venn diagrams only overlapping sets have been considered. Veriication in other cases can also be efected similarly. Detail of veriication may be written by yourselves.
- Note: (1) Evidently truth set of a tautology is the relevant universal set and that of an absurdity is the empty set Φ . (2) With the help of the above results we can express any logical formula in set- theoretic form and vice versa. We will illustrate this fact with the help of a solved example.
- Note: The elements of the set of this example are the fourth roots of unity.
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- Note: N is not a monoid w.r.t. addition because it has no identity w.r.t. addition.
- Note: The rule can obviously be extended to the product of three or more elements of a group.
- Note: Matrix multiplication is not commutative in general
- Note: Matrices A and B are equivalent if B can be obtained by applying in turn a inite number of row operations on A.
- Note: Diagonal matrices are both upper triangular and lower triangular.
- Note: The solutions of an equation are also called its roots.
- Note: For simplicity, a conditional equation is called an equation.
- Note: An ininite sequence has no last term.
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- Note: Middle term of three consecutive terms in A.P. is the A.M. between the extreme terms.
- Note: The real values of r are usually taken but here other cases are considered to widen the out-look of the students.
- Note: In the above experiment, we have written the probability = 1/2(approx.) It may be remembered that the greater the number of trials, the more accurate is the estimate of the probability.
- Thus sum of odd coeicients of a binomial expansion equals to the sum of its even coeicients.