1st Year Chemistry Notes

Complete 1st Year Chemistry Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 1st Year Chemistry Notes for the students of the Intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed 1st year chemistry notes pdf to help you prepare for your exams.
  • History of Atom
  • Evidence of Atoms
  • Define atom.
  • Define ion. How cation and anion are formed?
  • How molecular ions are formed?
  • Define relative atomic mass. 
  • Define isotopes. Give two examples.
  • You can also download the chemistry 1 year notes for free.
  • Why isotopes have same chemical properties but different physical properties?
  • How does no individual neon atom in the sample of the element has mass 20.18 amu? 
  • Define mass spectrometer.
  • Mention principle or working of mass spectrometer. 
  • How percentage of an element is determined? 
  • Define empirical formula and molecular formula.
  • What are the steps to determine empirical formula? 
  • Our comprehensive 1st year chemistry notes pdf download will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Define mole and Avogadro’s number. OR What is the relation between mole and Avogadro’s number? 
  • Why sizes and masses do not affect volume?
  • One mole of H2O has 2 moles of bonds, 3 moles of atoms, 10 moles of electrons, and 28 moles of total fundamental particles present in it. 
  • Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in urea. 
  • Define analytical chemistry.
  • Difference between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. 
  • Define filtration.
  • Tell about Gooch crucible and sintered glass crucible. 
  • How fluted filter paper increases rate of filtration?
  • What are the characteristics of a good solvent?
  • How decolourization of undesirable colours is done?
  • What is the disadvantage of using filter paper for drying the crystals? 
  • Mention types of chromatography/ Difference between adsorption and partition chromatography. 
  • Define one atmospheric pressure. Give units.
  • What are gas laws? 
  • What is absolute zero? What happens to real gases while approaching it?
  • Why Celsius scale does not justify Charles’ law? AND Which scale justifies Charles’ law?
  • Calculate the units of ideal gas constant (R) in SI units.
  • State Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
  • How Dalton’s law of partial pressures is applicable to the collection of gases under water?
  • Give four fundamental postulates of KMT.
  • State Graham’s law of diffusion.
  • State Joule-Thomson effect. 
  • Water vapors do not behave ideally at 273K. Give reason. 
  • Pressure of ammonia gas at given conditions is less as calculated by Vander Waal equation than that calculated by general gas equation. Why?
  • What is the difference between natural and artificial plasma.
  • What are dipole-dipole forces of attraction? Explain with examples. 
  • What are dipole-induced dipole forces or Debye forces? Give examples. 
  • What are instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces or London dispersion forces?
  • Why evaporation causes cooling?
  • Cleavage of crystals is anisotropic behaviour. Why?
  • Define crystal lattice.
  • Define lattice energy.
  • Why electrical conduction decreases with increasing temperature?
  • Why metals have metallic luster? 
  • In the closest packing of atoms of metals, only 74% space is occupied. Justify. 
  • Why the pressure of the gas is kept very low in gas discharge tube experiment? 
  • How negative charge of cathode rays was proved? 
  • How cathode rays produce fluorescence?
  • How it is proved that cathode rays travel in straight lines? 
  • How it is proved that cathode rays possess momentum?
  • Why e/m of cathode rays is independent of the nature of the gas used in discharge tube?
  • The e/m value of positive rays depends upon the nature of the gas used in the discharge tube. Justify. 
  • How were neutrons discovered? 
  • Mention the defects of Rutherford’s model of atom.
  • How do you justify that the distances between adjacent orbits of Hydrogen atom go on increasing from lower to the higher orbits? 
  • How do you come to know that the velocities of electrons in higher orbitsare less than those in lower orbits of hydrogen atom?
  • Energy of an electron is inversely proportional to ‘n2 ’ but energy of higher orbits is always greater than those of the lower orbits. Why? 
  • What is the difference between continuous spectrum and line spectrum?
  • What is the difference between atomic emission spectrum and atomic absorption spectrum? 
  • State Moseley’s law. 
  • State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and give its equation.
  • Briefly tell about principal quantum number/azimuthal quantum number/magnetic quantum number and spin quantum number. 
  • What is octet rule? Give one example of compound which obeys it and two examples of compounds which do not obey it. 
  • Bond distance is the compromise distance between the two atoms making molecule. OR 75.4 pm is the bond distance between two hydrogen atoms. Justify.
  • Why the radius of an atom can’t be determined precisely?
  • Why is the size of cation smaller than parent atom?
  • What is the trend of ionization energy in the periodic table? 
  • What is the trend of electron affinity in the periodic table? 
  • What is the trend of electronegativity in the periodic table?
  • What is the basic assumption of VSEPR Theory?
  • Write two points of Valence Bond Theory.
  • Why pi bond is more diffused than sigma bond?
  • What is the difference between VBT and MOT? 
  • Why the energy of anti-bonding molecular orbital is higher than corresponding bonding molecular orbital? 
  • Why the melting points, boiling points, heats of sublimation and heats of vaporization of electrovalent compounds are higher as compared with those of covalent compounds? 
  • What is thermochemical equation? What information do they convey? Give two examples.
  • What is the difference between a spontaneous and a non-spontaneous reaction?
  • Burning of candle is a spontaneous process. Justify.
  • Define enthalpy of a reaction, enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of atomization, enthalpy of neutralization, enthalpy of combustion and enthalpy of solution. 
  • State Hess’s Law of Constant Heat Summation.
  • What is meant by state of chemical equilibrium.
  • Define reversible and irreversible reaction. Give examples.
  • Discuss the change of concentration of a product on reversible reaction.
  • What is ionic product of water and how it varies with temperature?
  • What is Henderson’s equation and for what purpose it is used?
  • What is Lowry-Bronsted acid base concept? 
  • What is common ion effect. Give two applications.
  • Define molarity and molality. Give examples.
  • Why molality is independent of temperature but molarity depends upon temperature? 
  • State Raoult’s law. OR Give two statements of Raoult’s law.
  • Define solubility. Give an example.
  • Define colligative properties.
  • Define ebullioscopic constant and cryoscopic constant. 
  • Why ethylene glycol is used as an anti-freeze in car radiators?
  • Differentiate between hydration and hydrolysis. 
  • Define electrochemistry.
  • Explain extraction of sodium by Down’s cell. 
  • How the process of electrolysis is applied in the production of caustic soda? 
  • How impure copper is purified by the process of electrolysis? 
  • What is the function of salt bridge? 
  • How electrochemical series predict feasibility of a reaction?
  • How relative tendency of elements for redox reactions can be compared by using electrochemical series? 
  • Define reaction kinetics. 
  • What happens to rate of reaction with the passage of time?
  • Define instantaneous and average rate.
  • Define order of reaction. Give an example.
  • Define half life period. Give an example. 
  • The radioactive decay is always a first order reaction. Give reason. 
  • Give the relation between half-life and initial concentration of reactant. 
  • What is the effect of temperature on rate of reaction? 
  • What are the types of catalysis? OR What is the difference between homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis?
  • Define promotor or activator. 
  • Define negative catalysis 
  • Characteristics of Enzyme Catalysis 

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