11th Class English Past Paper DG khan Board 2022 Group 2

Objective and Subjective 11th Class English Past Paper Group 2 DG khan Board 2022 Typed by Professor Mahrooz Ahmad Suib. This past paper is very helpful in the preparation for the syllabus of English class 11th for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards such as DG khan Board.

Summary and Contents: 
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Objective Papers such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 11th Class English Past Paper DG khan Board 2022 Group 2 pdf download for all Punjab Boards.
  • In the objective part of the paper, there are 20 mcqs and one mcqs means one mark marking it a total of 20 marks in the objective paper.
  • Essay Type Papers such as short questions of Lessons, Plays and Poems, Letters, Applications, Stories, Pair of Words, and Passage English into Urdu in the form of English paper Class 11th for all Punjab Boards.
  • Choose the correct option of the underlined words from the columns A, B, C, D and fill up the bubbles:
  • 1. These are not mere accidental names of God. (a) basie  (b) genuine  (c) casual  (d) real
  • 2. He tossed the pieces onto the table. (a) passed  (b) crew  (c) crossed  (d) threw
  • 3. Gorgios won the hurdles  at school. (a) fame  (b) awards  (c) barriers  (d) favours
  • 4. The king got the consent of the parents.  (a) advice  (b) assent  (c) dress  (d) bile 
  • 5. I am not unmindful.  (a) undaunted  (b) unearned  (c) unaware  (d) unable
  • 6. Shamim was erstwhile disciple of Abul. (a) neighbour  (b) friend  (c) pupil  (d) teacher
  • 7. The second man exits laughing.  (a) goes out  (b) comes in  (c) greets  (d) sleeps 
  • 8. Powers asks Kreton if he is a Spy or a hostile alien. (a) human  (b) teacher  (c) secret agent  (d) soldier 
  • 9. Miss McCutcheon closed a colourful parasol. (a) window  (b) umbrella  (c) door  (d) purse
  • 10. We are the hollow men. (a) intelligent  (b) strong   (c) useless  (d) forceful 
  • Choose the correct option for the following blanks from the columns A, B, C, D and fill up the bubbles:
  • 11. Who was Nushirvan? (a) a slave (b) a sergeant (c) an accountant (d) a king of Persia
  • 12. No one can count Della's _______. (a) Dealings (b) Love (c) Hair (d) jewels
  • 13. The Girl was afraid of _______. (a) the policeman (b) a friend (c) a killer (d) a person
  • 14. The visitor was dressed in the fashion of _______. (a) 1960 (b) 1860 (c) 1900 (d) 1850
  • 15. Which one of the cities was attacked? (a) Texas (b) Virginia (c) New York (d) New Jersey
  • Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C, D and fill up the bubbles:
  • 16. They ________ their lesson tomorrow. (a) learn (b) will learn (c) learns (d) learnt
  • 17. If you _________ hard, you will pass. (a) Worked (b) Work (c) Works (d) have worked
  • 18. It ________ now. (a) is raining (b) rain (c) had rained (d) have rained
  • 19. I ______ this novel since morning. (a) have been reading (b) read  (c) reads (d) will read
  • 20. We _______ to see picture last night. (a) go (b) had gone (c) will go (d) went
  • 2. Answer (in 3-5 lines / sentences) any SIX of the following questions from Book-I (Short Stories):
  • (i) Describe the physical appearance of the old man. (Clearing in the Sky)
  • (ii) What did they want to grow on Mars? (Dark they were and Golden-eyed)
  • (iii) Why did not the boy run from the house of the woman? (Thank you, M'am)
  • (iv) Describe the condition of the child when the doctor came to check her. (The use of Force)
  • (v) Who was Nushirvan and what advice did he given to the boy about salt?  (The Gulistan of Sa'di)
  • (vi) How did the quack try to cure the old woman? (The Foolish Quack)
  • (vii) What did Margaret feel often the attack of Locusts? (The Mild Attack of Locusts)
  • (viii) What was the cause of Negroes' discontentment? (I. have a Dream)
  • (ix) How much did the Maulvi collect on every Eid and what did he do with it?
  • 3. Answer (in 3 - 5 lines / sentences) any FIVE of the following questions from Book-III (One Act Plays):
  • (i) Why does the Girl not report her matter to the Police?
  • (ii) What were the circumstances that forced the Girl to leave her car?
  • (iii) What were the factors that played a role in saving the Girl?
  • (iv) Does Kreton have better morals than human beings? Explain in few lines.
  • (v) How did AIDE describe in flying object?
  • (vi) What is Harry's philosophy? What lesson does it convey?
  • (vii) What is Applegarth's complaint about the sea?
  • (viii) What kind of haircut does Miss McCutcheon want and why?
  • 4. Answer (in 3 - 5 lines / sentences ) any FOUR of the following questions from Book-III (Poems):
  • (i) How do the birds reaction the arrival of the Night Mail?
  • (ii) What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark? (In the Street of the Fruit Stalls)
  • (iii) What is the message of the poem "Times"?
  • (iv) Why are the Muslims' hearts perplexed? (Ruba'iyat)
  • (v) What is the bare truth? (He Came to Know Himself)
  • (vi) How do God's Attributes help in refining the character of a person?
  • 5. Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance. OR Write an application to the Principal of your college apologizing for misconduct. 
  • 6. Write a story on the moral lesson: 10 "All that glitters is not gold" OR "Pride hath a fall"
  • 7.(a)Explain the following lines with reference to the context: 05 I, with my stoop, reflect: They stand most straight Who learn to walk beneath a weight. (b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I: (Short Stories) the town s empty but we found the native life in the hills sir dark people yellow eyes the martians very friendly we talked a bit not much they learn english fast i m sure our relations will be most friendly with them sir.
  • (c) Attempt any FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own: (i) Wet : Whet (ii) Temper : Tamper (iii) Morale : Moral (iv) Knead : Need (v) Flee : Flea (vi) Bow : Bough (vii) Coarse, Course
  • 8. Translate the following passage into Urdu:(Short Stories Book-I) 15 Sweat popped out on the boy's face and he began to struggle. Mrs. Jones stopped, jerked him around in front of her, put a half nelson about his neck, and continued to drag him up the street. When she got to her door, she dragged they boy inside, down a hall, and into a large kitchenette - furnished room at the rear of the house. She switched on the light and left the door open.
  • NOTE: English Medium / Foreign Candidates will write an essay on "My Hobby".

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