11th Chemistry Chapter 5 Notes

Important Complete Computerized 11th Chemistry Chapter 5 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 11th Chemistry Chapter 5 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Fill in the blanks with answers of Chapter Number 5: Atomic Structure of First-year Chemistry Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Cathode rays are negatively charged? Explain it with diagram.
  • Justify that e/m value of H gas is maximum.
  • Justify that e/m value of positive rays for different gases are different but those for cathode rays, the e/m values are same.
  • Cathode rays can cause a chemical change. Justify.
  • The e/m values of positive rays obtained from hydrogen gas is 1836 times less than that of cathode rays. Justify.
  • How will you prove that Cathode Rays travel in Straight Lines? 
  • Why e/m of cathode rays is equal to that of electrons? OR Why cathode rays are also called as electron?
  • Write four properties of positive rays. 
  • Whatever gas is used in the discharge tube the nature of the cathode rays remains the same, why?
  • Why is it necessary to decrease the pressure in discharge tube to get cathode rays?
  • The positive rays are also called canal rays. Explain. OR What are canal rays?
  • Give reason for the production of positive rays.
  • e/m value of cathode ray is just equal to that of electrons. Justify. 
  • Evaluate the mass of an electron. OR Calculate the mass of an electron e/m = 1.7588×1011 Columbs kg-1. 
  • Cathode rays are charged particles. OR How the bending of cathode rays in the electric and magnetic fields shows that they are negatively charged?
  • Describe behavior of cathode rays in magnetic field. 
  • How it was inferred that cathode rays are material particles?
  • What happens when free neutron decay? OR Which particles are formed by the decay of free neutrons?
  • Give any two properties of cathode rays.
  • Give two properties of neutrons.
  • What are Nuclear Reactions? Write equation for a Nuclear Reaction for the production of Neutron. 
  • How neutrons were discovered by Chadwick? Give the equation of nuclear reaction involved?
  • Give nuclear reactions to show the radioactive decay when a slow moving neutron hits the copper metal. 
  • How neutrons are used in treatment of cancer?
  • Differentiated between slow and fast neutron.
  • Differentiate between frequency and wave number.
  • Give two postulates of plank's quantum theory.
  • Why does the size of He+ is much smaller than H −atom although both H −atom and He+ ion are mono-electronic systems?
  • How do you come to know that the velocities of electrons in higher orbits are less than those of lower orbits?
  • The radius of first orbit of hydrogen atom is 0.529A°. Calculate the radius of 3rd orbit of hydrogen atom. 
  • Justify that the distance gaps between different orbits go on increasing from lower to higher orbits.
  • Why the potential energy of bonded electron has negative value?
  • Give two defects in Rutherford's atomic model. OR Why Rutherford's model fails?
  • Write two postulates of Bohr's atomic model. 
  • Give two defects in Bohr's atomic model.
  • Justify that angular momentum of an electron is quantized. 
  • Differentiate between Zeeman and Stark effect. 
  • What is Lyman series?
  • Differentiate between line spectrum and continuous spectrum.
  • What is continuous spectrum? Explain with example.
  • What is discontinuous spectrum? Explain with example.
  • Differentiate between atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrum.
  • Write names of spectral series of hydrogen spectrum.
  • What is origin of Hydrogen Spectrum?
  • What is electromagnetic spectrum?
  • What is atomic absorption spectrum?
  • Describe atomic emission spectrum.
  • What are X-rays? How are they produced?
  • State Moseley’s law with its mathematical form and give its importance. 
  • How the K-series, L-series and M-series of X-rays spectrum are produced?
  • How Davisson and Germer proved dual nature of matter?
  • Derive de-Broglie's equation
  • Calculate wavelength of electron moving with velocity 2.188×106ms-1.
  • Define frequency. Give its relationship with wavelength. 
  • Electron has dual nature, justify.
  • Define Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty and give its mathematical expression.
  • Define Quantum numbers. 
  • Compare orbit and orbital.
  • Calculate number of electrons in s, p, d and f orbitals according to formula.
  • What is function of principle quantum number?
  • Define azimuthal quantum number and give its importance. 
  • Define Azimuthal quantum number. Justify concept of s, p, d, and f subshells from it. 
  • For Azimuthal quantum number, I = 2 and I = 3. Calculate the total values of magnetic quantum number (m).
  • What is spin quantum number? Give its two values.
  • The distance gaps between different orbits go on increasing from the lower to the higher orbits. Give reason. 
  • What is orbital? Draw the shape of p −orbital.
  • Define Hund’s Rule and Pauli Exclusion Principle. 
  • Define: (i) Pauli-exclusion principle. (ii) Wavelength. 
  • State Aufbau principle. Write electronic configuration of Na - 11 according to this principle.
  • Write electronic configuration for an element with atomic number Z = 29. 
  • What is neutron? How was it discovered? Give its two properties?
  • Explain Born-Haber cycle in detail.
  • Discuss properties of cathode rays.
  • Describe Millikan's oil drop method for determination of charge of electron. 
  • Define spectrum. Explain atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrum with diagram.
  • Define quantum numbers. Explain principal and magnetic quantum numbers. OR Discuss magnetic and spin quantum numbers. OR Discuss principal and Azimuthal Quantum numbers. OR What are quantum numbers? Give importance of azimuthal quantum number.

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