10th Class Computer Guess Paper

ImportantGuess Paper of 10th Class Computer Guess Paper. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the 10th Class Computer Guess Paper of Computer Science English Medium for the students of the Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 10th class computer guess paper 2025 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.1: Introduction to Programming in the Computer Science English Medium Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.2: User Interaction in the Computer Science English Medium Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Important computer guess paper 10th class 2025 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.3: Conditional Logic in the Computer Science English Medium Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.4: Data and Repetition in the Computer Science English Medium Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Important computer class 10 guess paper 2025 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.5: Functions in the Computer Science English Medium Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Reserved word(s) is/are:  (A) auto  (B) double  (C) Int  (D) All of these
  • We include header files in our program by writing ......  statement at the top of program.  (A) main  (B) void  (C) break  (D) include
  • We include file ......  that contains information related to input and output functions.  (A) math.h  (B) stdio.h  (C) Intstdio.h  (D) main()
  • Every C program must contain a ...... function.  (A) stdio.h  (B) main()  (C) conio.h  (D) math.h
  • The body of main() is enclosed in the ......  braces.  (A) [ ]  (B) ( )  (C) { }  (D) All of these
  • Each statement ends with a ......  symbol.  (A) Colon  (B) Semi colon  (C) Comma  (D) Full stop
  • C language is ......  sensitive.  (A) Case  (B) Not case  (C) No  (D) Very
  • ......  are the statements in a program that are ignored by the compiler and do not get executed.  (A) Integers  (B) Braces  (C) Function  (D) Comments
  • In C programming, there are ......  types of comments.  (A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 3  (D) 4
  • C programming language has a character set that includes:  (A) Special symbols  (B) Digits  (C) Alphabets  (D) All of these
  • ......  are the values that cannot be changed by a program.  (A) Constants  (B) Variables  (C) Functions  (D) All of these
  • Example(s) of constant is/are:  (A) -5  (B) 11  (C) 13.9  (D) All of these
  • Type(s) of constant is/are:  (A) Character constant  (B) Real constant  (C) Integer constant   (D) All of these
  • Example(s) of integer constant is/are:  (A) 13  (B) -9  (C) -355  (D) All of these
  • Example(s) of real constant is/are:  (A) 4.5  (B) 666  (C) 0  (D) -87
  • Each variable has a:  (A) Constant  (B) Unique name  (C) Data type  (D) A & B
  • Define integer-int data type.
  • Define integer-int (signed int) data type.
  • Define integer-int (unsigned int) data type.
  • Differentiate between signed int and unsigned int.
  • Define floating point-float data type.
  • Define character-char data type.
  • Write any two rules of naming a variable.
  • Define variable declaration.
  • Write general syntax of variable declaration.
  • Write any four examples of variable declarations.
  • Define variable initialization.
  • Write general syntax of initializing a variable.
  • Define constant.
  • How many types of constants are there in C?
  • What is meant by integer constants?
  • What is meant by real constants?
  • What is meant by character constants?
  • Differentiate between integer and real constants.
  • Differentiate between real and character constants.
  • Differentiate between integer and character constants.
  • Define char data type.
  • Define computer program.
  • Define software.
  • Define computer programming.
  • Define programmer.
  • Define programming languages.
  • Define functions.
  • Define built-in functions.
  • Define functions parameters.
  • Define reusability.
  • Define calling a function.
  • What is meant by divide and conquer?
  • Define computer program. Describe structure of C program in detail.
  • What is meant by comments? Explain the purpose and syntax of comments.
  • Differentiate between constants and variables.
  • What are relational operators? Describe with an example.
  • What are logical operators? Describe with an example.
  • Write the detailed note on assignment operators and Relational operators.
  • Define operators. Explain any three arithmetic operators in C-language with example.

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