10th Class Computer Chapter Wise Test

Important 10th Class Computer Chapter Wise Test by Mr Adnan Haider Suib. These Test series notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Class Computer Science Short Questions English and Urdu Medium for 10th Class Computer Chapter Wise Test of the 10th class Computer Science and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 10th computer chapter wise test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circle. Cutting or filling two or more circle will result in zero mark in that question. Write PAPER CODE, which is printed on this question paper, on the both sides of the Answer Sheet and fill bubbles accordingly, otherwise the student will be responsible for the situation. 
  • Important 10th class computer chapter wise test pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Which of the following tasks are performed by maximum algorithms:  (A) Input  (B) Out put  (C) Processing  (D) All of above
  • In BASIC statement Typing error is called:  (A) Runtime  (B) Logical error  (C) Syntax error  (D) Execution error
  • Important class 10 computer chapter wise test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • If two or more than two statements are written in a row, they are separated by  (A) :  (B) ;  (C) ,  (D) -
  • Which character is used for identification of type of integer variables?  (A) !  (B) %  (C) #  (D) @
  • Which of the following option is not used to get out of error handling routine.  (A) RESUME  (B) RESUME NEXT  (C) END   (D) STOP
  • Important 10th computer chapter wise test pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • In two dimension array, when dimension is not mentioned the array should not have more than_______ elements.  (A) 10  (B) 100   (C) 110  (D) 121
  • Which of the following statement is used to find the largest value from an array?  (A) INPUT  (B) READ…DATA  (C) ERROR-GOTO  (D) None of them
  • Answer of function INT(-5.7) is:  (A) -5  (B) -4  (C) -6  (D) 5
  • IN BASIC number of background colours is:  (A) 4   (B) 8  (C) 12  (D) 16
  • Important 10th computer chapter wise test 2025 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Which of the following bars provide the information about application software?  (A) Manu bar  (B) Tool bar  (C) Status bar  (D) Scroll bar
  • Note: Section–I is compulsory. Answer any THREE (3) questions from Section–II and Answer any TWO (2) questions from Section–III. (SECTION–I)
  • Answer briefly any Four parts from the followings:
  • (i) Write definition of dug?
  • (ii) What is syntax error?
  • (iii) What is variable?
  • (iv) How to save the program in GW-BASIC.
  • Important 10th class computer chapter wise test pdf 2025 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • (v) How many types of control structure are used in BASIC, write their names?
  • (vi) Differentiate between GOTO and ON-GOTO. 
  • Answer briefly any Four parts from the followings:
  • (i) Write tow difference between 1-D and 2-D.
  • (ii) Describe the use of subscript variable an Array.
  • (iii) What is meant by DIM statement?
  • (iv) Define subroutine.
  • (v) Write the syntax of user defined function.
  • (vi) Give on example of LEFT$ Function.
  • Answer briefly and Four parts from the followings:
  • (i) What is meant by Resolution?
  • (ii) Write down the syntax of CIRCLE statement.
  • (iii) What do you know about Title Bar?
  • (iv) Write down the usage of clipboard.
  • (v) What is meant by indention in MS WORD?  
  • (vi) Write down any two fonts name available in MS WORDS.
  •  SECTION–II,  Note: Attempt any TWO questions. Each question carries 07 marks.
  • What is Test and debug the program? Also write note on different types of errors. 
  • Relational operators Used In BASIC. 
  • Define loops? Explain For …. Next loop and While…. Wend loop?
  • Write short answers to any FIVE questions:
  • (i) What is meant by Array declaration?
  • (ii) What is meant by Index or subscript?
  • (iii) What is difference between I-D array and 2-D array?
  • (iv) What is difference between built in function and user defined function.
  • (v) What is purpose of SOR Function?
  • (vi) What is meant by sub routine?
  • Write short answers to any FIVE questions:
  • (i) Explain text mode in BASIC.
  • (ii) Explain PALETTE.
  • (iii) How to close a document in MS-Word.
  • (iv) Explain Clipboard in MS-Word.
  • (v) Explain alignment in MS-Word.
  • (vi) Explain header and footer in MS-Word.

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