Physics Practical Class 12

Important very easy Physics Practical Class 12 written by Miss Pakiza Waqar. This experiment is very helpful in the preparation of the Physics Practical Class 12 in Physics for the students and this is according to the Institute.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Physics Practical Class 12 Notes for Intermediate students.
  • Important physics practical class 12  pdf download for Intermediate students.
  • Important physics practical class 12 pdf for Intermediate students.
  • Important physics practical class 12 solved pdf for Intermediate students.
  • Important physics practical class 12 important questions for Intermediate students.
  • Important Important physics practical class 12 for Intermediate students.
  • Important Important viva questions for physics practical class 12 for Intermediate students.
  • Important Important practical of physics class 12 for Intermediate students.
  • Important Important practical of physics class 12 2025 for Intermediate students.
  • Important Most important practical of physics class 12 for Intermediate students.
  • Important class 12 physics practical important questions for Intermediate students.
  • Important physics practical questions and answers pdf grade 12 for Intermediate students.
  • Important physics practical file class 12 pdf download for Intermediate students.
  • 1.To Find the Resistance of a Wire by Slide Wire BridgeFirst of all I drew circuit diagram, placed apparatus on table and made connections according to diagram. Then I took a suitable resistance R from resistance box and touched the jockey at end A and then at end C. I found opposite deflection on galvanometer which means connections are correct. I inserted resistance back in the resistance box.
  • 2. To Determine Resistance of a Galvanometer by Half Deflection Method: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connections according to diagram. I connected H.R.B, battery, key K₁ and galvanometer in series which forms a loop. Then I connected F.R.B along with K₂ in parallel to galvanometer. I closed K₁ and opened K2. I plug out suitable resistance from H.R.B and obtained even number deflection on galvanometer. Now I also closed K₂ and observed that deflection on galvanometer becomes zero. When both K₁ and K₂ are closed, I plug out shunt resistance S from F.R.B which makes deflection on galvanometer half.
  • 3. Experiment to Determine the Resistance of a Voltmeter: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connections according to it with apparatus on table. I observed that high resistance box (H.R.B), battery, key K and voltmeter are connected in series which forms a loop. Then I closed the key K and took out resistance R in regular intervals of 5000 from H.R.B and noted corresponding readings of voltage V on voltmeter and entered them in a table.
  • 4. To Determine the Resistance of Voltmeter without Graph: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connections according to it with apparatus on table. I observed that high resistance box (H.R.B), battery, key K and voltmeter are connected in series along with rheostat which forms a loop. Then I closed the key K and obtained even number reading on voltmeter by movement of rheostat with zero resistance of H.R.B. Then I took out suitable resistance R from H.R.B and made reading on voltmeter half. The value of R is equal to resistance of voltmeter.
  • 5. Internal Resistance using Potentiometer: I made the connections according to circuit diagram. Closed key K₁ and pressed the jockey at both ends one by one and observed that the deflection is reversed which proves that the circuit is correct. I got balance point (galvanometer shows zero deflection) 11 by sliding jockey on the wire. Then I took out some resistance from low resistance box, closed key K₂, found balance point 12.
  • 6. To Determine the EMF of a Cell using Potentiometer: I made connections according to the circuit diagram. I measured the length of wire 'L' of potentiometer with meter rod. Closed key K and pressed the jockey at both ends one by one and observed that the deflection is reversed which proves that the circuit is correct. I adjusted the voltage between A and B by rheostat and then measured this voltage 'E' by voltmeter. I noted length of balance point (where galvanometer shows zero deflection) AB = 1 by sliding jockey on the wire of potentiometer.
  • 7. Tungsten Filament: I connected the circuit as shown in figure. I rotated the knob of power supply and noted values of voltage and current in regular steps from voltmeter and ammeter. Then I drew the graph between V & I and observed that the graph is not a straight line which proved that tungsten filament lamp does not obey Ohm's law.
  • 8. Charging and Discharging of Capacitor: I drew circuit diagram and made connections according to it. I closed gap 1 and opened gap 2 of two ways key and started stopwatch. I noted current on ammeter after every 10s. I noted that after some time current through capacitor becomes constant which means capacitor is fully charged. I measured this constant current and calculated maximum charge.
  • 9. Relationship between Current and Capacitance: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connection according to it with apparatus on table. I measured voltage across secondary of step-down transformer with AC voltmeter. I closed switch S₁ which inserted capacitor of capacitance 0.1µF in circuit and measured corresponding current on AC milli-ammeter. I took four more readings by inserting different capacitors in circuit by its switch using same method.
  • 10. Characteristics of Semiconductor Diode Experiment: I drew circuit diagram and connected the diode across the leads of a digital multimeter to check the resistance of a diode. Then I made second resistance check of the diode with the leads reversed. I observed that diode will measure high resistance when it is reverse biased and low resistance when it is forward biased. Also, I observed that the ratio of reverse resistance reading to forward resistance reading is about 10:1 which means it is a good diode. I took a diode and made connections according to circuit diagram. I increased the anode potential in regular steps by using potential divider and measured the corresponding current on millimeter.
  • 11. Study the Variation of Electric Current with Intensity of Light using a Photocell: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connections according to it. I turned on electric bulb which was placed at some distance from photocell and change the distance between two by moving bulb to and fro resulting in micro-ammeter deflection which means connections are correct. So I measured the deflection on micro ammeter as current I in regular intervals by varying distance d between bulb and photocell and took six observations.
  • 12. To Verify the truth Table of Logic Gates Experiment PDF: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connections according to it with apparatus on table. I applied +5V at Vcc. I applied (0,0) input signal at terminal A and B and I observed that LED at output does not glow. I applied (0,1) input signal at terminal A and B and I observed that LED at output glows applied (1,0) input signal at terminal A and B and I observed that LED at output glows. I applied (1,1) input signal at terminal A and B and I observed that LED at output glows. I noted all observations in a table called truth table.
  • 13. To Determine High Resistance by Neon Flash Lamp: I drew circuit diagram. I took ten resistances having range 1-10ΜΩ (or it could be resistance box) and a capacitor of any capacity i.e. 0.2µF. I connected a pair (1 ΜΩ, 0.2 µF) in the circuit and turned on the power supply which resulted in flashing of neon lamp. I measured the time t for 20 flashes and calculated time period T by T=t/20. Then I calculated the time period for pairs (2 ΜΩ, 0.2 µF), (3 ΜΩ, 0.2 μF), (4 ΜΩ, 0.2 µF), and (5 ΜΩ, 0.2 µF) turn by turn by same method.

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