Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 9

Very important Multiple Choice Questions, Short and Long questions as a form of Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 9 written by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 9 of Islamiat Lazmi for the students of the Matric and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • These Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 9 are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions of full book Islamiat Lazmi class 9 from previous years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Important Short and Long Questions of Islamiat Lazmi class 9 from previous years past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Four possible answers A, B, C and D will be given for each component. Fill in the corresponding circle according to the correct answer from the circles given in front of each component on the answer copy.
  • In which Surah of the Holy Qur'an, Aqeedah Tawheed is described?  (A) Al-Naas  (B) Al-Falaq  (C) Al-Khalas ü (D) Al-Kawthar 
  • Shirk literally means:  (A) To do good  (B) To own  (C) To believe  (D) To share ü
  • The literal meaning of Rasool is:  (A) To show the right way  (B) To make famous  (C) To follow  (D) To convey a message ü
  • The most important belief after monotheism is:  (A) Faith in the Angels  (B) Hereafter  (C) Destiny  (D) Prophethood (P.B.U.H)
  • The prophets on whom religion was completed are:  (A) Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) ü (B) Hazrat Jesus (peace be upon him)  (C) Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him)  (D) Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him)
  • All the Prophets, peace and blessings be upon them, are superior and superior beings in terms of distinctions:  (A) Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) ü (B) Hazrat Ibrahim (A)  (C) Hazrat Jesus (A)  (D) Hazrat Musa (A) 
  • The angels prostrated by Allah's order:  (A) To Hazrat Isa (A)  (B) To Hazrat Musa (A)  (C) To Hazrat Noah (A)  (D) To Hazrat Adam (A) ü
  • All the time the angels write down the human actions, the passion is created in the human being:  (A) Persistence  (B) Forgiveness  (C) Patience  (D) Sense of responsibility ü
  • It is a book that abrogates the commandments of all the heavenly books:  (A) Gospel  (B) Psalms  (C) Torah  (D) Quran ü
  • Hereafter refers to:  (A) Long life  (B) Worldly life  (C) Expiring life  (D) Life after death ü
  • The prayer has been declared:  (A) Pillar of Paradise  (B) Beauty of Paradise  (C) Door of Paradise  (D) Key of Paradise ü
  • Five prayers wash away sins like water:  (A) of wood  (B) of iron  (C) of rust  (D) A of mail ü
  • Praying in congregation is better than praying alone:  (A) Twenty-nine level  (B) Twenty-seven level ü  (C) Twenty-five level  (D) Twenty-three level
  • Write the meaning of Sawm.
  • How does fasting teach a person about time and discipline?
  • Write any two social benefits of fasting.
  • On the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, which three Companions of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) were appointed as commanders of the army?
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized islamiat lazmi 9th class guess paper.
  • On the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, what was the happiness of Hazrat Ali (RA)?
  • How many infidels did Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari send to Hell in the Battle of Hunain?
  • What are the effects of fasting on human health?
  • What are the financial prayers performed in Ramadan?
  • When did the event of conquest of Makkah happen?
  • Which two battles are mentioned in the Quran?
  • On the occasion of the Battle of Hunain, what did the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say to encourage the Muslims?
  • Explain the meaning and significance of common words.
  •  What booty did the Muslims get in the Battle of Hunain?
  • What is meant by moderation in worship?
  • What is meant by generosity and sacrifice?
  • What did the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say to the Ansari Sahabi about the guest?
  • How much wealth did Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) offer to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on the occasion of the Battle of Tabuk?

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