Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 11 Urdu Medium

Full book important Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ), Short Questions as a form of Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 11 Urdu Medium written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the Islamiat Lazmi Guess Paper Class 11 Urdu Medium of Islamiat Lazmi for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ), Short Questions for Islamiat Lazmi 11th Class Punjab Textbook Board.
  • 1. The number of Pillars of Islam is:  (a) 8   (b) 5  (c) 3  (d) 2
  • The number of Musarif-e-Zakat are:  (a) 10  (b) 8  (c) 6  (d) 5
  • Prayer is the worship:  (a) Spiritual  (b) Verbal  (c) Lawfully  (d) Financial
  • Famous revealed books are:  (a) 2   (b) 4  (c) 6  (d) 8
  • Example of Aqeedah is:  (a) Plant (b) Root   (c) Fruit   (d) Seed
  • "Al-Asaar" is written by: (a) Imam Muslim (b) Imam Abu Hanifa (c) Imam Shafai (d) Imam Bukhari
  • Equality means:  (a) To keep in same level  (b) To help  (c) To try (d) To divide
  • Number of sons of Hazrat Aqra Bin Habis:  (a) 4  (b) 6  (c) 8 (d) 10
  • In which Ghazwa, Hazrat Jaffar Tayyar (R.A) was martyred?  (a) Khyber  (b) Uhad  (c) Badar (d) Mota
  • 2. Write short answers to any Six parts.
  • i. Write the names of basic beliefs of Islam.
  • ii. Write down about duties of Angels.
  • iii. Write down the names of basic elements of Islam.
  • iv. Write two social benefits of Zakat.
  • v. Write down two spiritual advantages of Hajj.
  • vi. Write down the difference between "Rasool" and "Nabi".
  • vii. Write down two purposes of Soam
  • viii. Write the literal and conventional meanings of "Shirk".
  • ix. Write down two rights of neighbours.
  • 3. Write short answers to any Six parts.
  • i. What is meant by relation of brotherhood
  • ii. What is the saying of Hazrat Muhammad about the equality in his Last Sermon.
  • iii. Write the literal meanings of patience and firmness.
  • iv. What is meant by Tasbee-e-Fatima?
  • v. Write down two names of The Holy Quran.
  • vi. Describe the event of first revelation.
  • vii. What is meant by
  • viii. Translate the Quranic A'yah.
  • ix. Translate the Holy Hadith.
  • 4. Explain the effects of Aqeeda-e-Toheed on human life.
  • 5. Write in detail the economic and social benefits of Zakat.
  • 6. Write a detailed note on the equality in the light of Seerah of Holy Rasool
  • Write short answers to any SIX parts.
  • Summarize briefly Aqeeda-c-Tauheed.
  • Write the translation of a Verse of the Holy Quran about belief in
  • Write two characteristics of
  • What is the importance of Aqeeda-e-Aakhrat in Islam?
  • Write the literal and terminological meaning of Jehad.
  • Explain briefly about rights of relatives.
  • Define and give example from the Quran.
  • Write two benefits of Hajj.
  • What is meant by
  • Write short answers to any SIX parts.
  • Describe a saying of Nabi about Orphans.
  • Write a few lines about Madina Brotherhood.
  • What is meant by Zikr?
  • Write four names of the Quran.
  • Write the name of the largest and the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran.
  • Write literal and terminological meanings of Hadith.
  • What is meant by.
  • Give the detailed description of the characteristics of the Holy Quran.
  • Describe the types and virtues of Jehad and also explain the difference between Jehad and war.
  • Describe the meaning of Haidth. Explain its importance in Islam.
  • Note: Attempt any TWO questions from the following.
  • What are the basic beliefs of Islam? Write note on any one.
  • Write the note on benefits of prayer.
  • Explain the connotative and denotative meaning of patience and steadfastness in the light of Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) exemplary life.

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