Guess Paper of Chemistry Class 11

Very important multiple choice questions (MCQs), Short questions, and Long questions as a form of Guess Paper of Chemistry Class 11 written by Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Guess Paper Class 11 Chemistry for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive Guess Paper of Chemistry Class 11 will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Important Physics 11th class multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from previous 20 years past papers from all Punjab Boards.
  • Important Physics 11th class Short Questions from previous 20 years past papers from all Punjab Boards.
  • Important Physics 11th class Long Questions from previous 20 years past papers from all Punjab Boards.
  • What are isotopes? Why they have same chemical but different physical properties?
  • Define isotopes why they have same chemical properties?
  • Explain mathematical relationship of m/e of an ion in mass spectrometry.
  • How does no individual neon atom in the sample of the element has mass 20.18 amu?
  • Write functions of Mg (ClO4)2 and KOH in combustion analysis.
  • Why oxygen cannot be determined directly in combustion analysis?
  • Many chemical reactions taking place in our surrounding involve limiting reactants. Give reason
  • Define actual yield. Write formula for the calculation of % age yield.
  • Why actual yield is always less than theoretical yield?
  • Why we calculate % age yield?
  • Law of conservation of mass has to be obeyed during stoichiometric calculations. Explain?
  • Define empirical formula and molecular formula with examples.
  •  How 4.9 g of H2SO4 when completely ionized in water have equal number of +ve and –ve charges but the number of positively charged ions are twice the number of negatively charged ions.
  • 23 g of sodium and 39 g of potassium have equal number of atoms in them. Justify.
  • What is Avogadro’s number? Give equation to relate the Avogadro’s number and mass of element.
  • Why do 2 g of H2, 16g of CH4, 44g of CO2 occupy separately the volume of 22.414 dm3 although the sizes and masses of molecules of three gases are very different from each other?
  • What is spectrum? Differentiate between continuous spectrum and line spectrum.
  • What is thermochemical equation? Give example.
  • What is the difference between heat and temperature?
  • Differentiate between endothermic and exothermic reactions. Give one example of each.
  • ∆H neutralization of strong acid with strong base always remains constant.
  • With the help of an example, explain enthalpy of neutralization.
  • Describe cleaning action of soaps and detergents on the basis of H-bonding.
  • Ethyl alcohol can dissolve in water but- hydrocarbons are not soluble in water. Justify it.
  • Lower alcohols are soluble in water but hydrocarbons are insoluble. Give reason. 
  • How the liquid crystals, help in the detection of the blockage in Veins and arteries?
  • The Electrical Conductivity of metals decreases conductivity of a metal with the rise of temperature.
  • Define rate of a chemical reaction and give its units.
  • Define specific rate constant. Give equation to support your answer.  
  • What is molarity? Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 9g of glucose in 250 cm3 of solution.
  • How molality is independent of temperature, but molarity depends on temperature?
  • One molal solution of glucose is dilute as compared to one molar solution of glucose. Justify it?
  • Why 1 molal solution of NaOH is dilute as compared to one molar solution?
  • One molal solution of urea is dilute as compared to one molar solution of urea. Justify it?
  •  Draw M.O.T diagram of Hydrogen molecule showing its bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.
  • Differentiate between atomic orbital and molecular orbital. 
  • Working at a vacuum line, a chemist isolated a gas in a weighing bulb with a volume of 255 cm3, at a temperature of 25oC and under a pressure in the bulb of 10.0 torr. The gas weighted 12.1 mg. What is the molecular mass of this gas?
  • What is boiling point? What is the effect of external pressure on the boiling point? Why the temperature remains constant at boiling point although heat is continuously supplied. 

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