Guess Paper Computer Science 10th Class Urdu medium
Important guess paper computer science 10th class urdu medium written by Sir Mr. Atif Riaz Jalali Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of guess paper computer science 10th class urdu medium for the students of the Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 10th class computer science guess paper for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.1: Introduction to Programming in the Computer Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.2: User Interaction in the Computer Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.3: Conditional Logic in the Computer Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.4: Data and Repetition in the Computer Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Very Important unsolved short and long questions of Chapter No.5: Functions in the Computer Class 10th Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Important computer science class 10 guess paper 2025 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer-book. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
- CTRL + X is used for: (A) CUT (B) COPY (C) PASTE (D) UNDO
- Dimension statement used the keyword: (A) DMS (B) DS (C) DIM (D) DM
- The ----- function is used to convert ASCIIL codes: (A) CHR $ ( ) (B) CHR ( ) (C) CHAR. (D) CHR $
- Which shortcut key is used to make the selected word bold: (A) CTRL + SHIFT + B (B) SHIFT + B (C) ALT + B (D) CTRL + B
- Which of the following operator has the lowest precedence: (A) ^ (B) * (C) + (D) =
- CHR $ (65) = : (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
- Which of the following is a type declaration character for string variable: (A) ! (B) % (C) # (D) $
- Important 10th class computer science guess paper 2025 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- FOR ----- NEXT is used to implement: (A) Iteration (B) Selection (C) Sequence (D) All of these
- Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC: (A) SCREEN (B) PRINT (C) LEFT $ (D) ABS
- Division by zero is: (A) Logical (B) Syntax error (C) Not an error (D) Runtime error
- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions:
- (i) What is problem solving?
- (ii) Describe the importance of analyzing a problem.
- (iii) Explain the term “Load the Program”.
- (iv) Differentiate between Basic commands and statements.
- (v) Wrote the purpose of FILES command.
- (vi) What are operators in BASIC?
- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions:
- (i) What is index in array?
- (ii) What is two dimensional array?
- (iii) Write the syntax of one-dimensional array.
- (iv) What is meant by user-defined function?
- (v) Differentiate between program file and data file.
- (vi) Write the use of TAB ( ) function.
- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions.
- (i) Define nested loop.
- (ii) Define pixel.
- (iii) Define scroll bar.
- (iv) Write the use of clip board.
- (v) For which purpose headers and footers are used?
- (vi) What is meant by a status bar?
- (PART– II), Note: Attempt any TWO questions.
- 5. What is a flow chart? Write its advantages and limitations.
- 6. Define control structure. How many control structures are available in BASIC? Describe them shortly.
- 7. What is meant by Draw statement? Explain DRAW statement with syntax and example.
- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions:
- (i) Write limitations of flow chart.
- (ii) What is syntax error?
- (iii) What is the use of indirect mode in GW-Basic?
- (iv) Write steps to save a program in GW-Basic?
- (v) Define reserved words.
- (vi) How many types of variable? Write their names.
- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions:
- (i) What is an array?
- (ii) What is meant by filling and printing of an array?
- (iii) Define one dimensional array.
- (iv) Define numeric function and give two examples.
- (v) Define string function and give two examples.
- (vi) How many methods to access a file? Write their names.