Guess Paper Class 9th Biology
Very Very Important Guess Paper Class 9th Biology written by Honorable Professor Mr. Shazam Khanzada Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Guess Paper Class 9th Biology for the students of the Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Very important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short Questions and Long Questions for Biology class 9th English and Urdu Medium for Punjab Boards.
- If a scientist is studying the methods of
inserting human insulin gene in bacteria, which
branch of biology may this be? (A) Pharmacology (B) Biotechnology (C) Physiology (D) Anatomy
- The study of living things is called: (A) Farming (B) Chemistry (C) Biology (D) Biotechnology
- The study of internal structure of living things is called: (A) Anatomy (B) Physiology (C) Cell biology (D) Genetics
- The study of genes and their roles in inheritance is called: (A) Information technology (B) Geology (C) Genetics (D) Biotechnology
- Which of the following group includes organisms
all of which are absorptive in their nutrition? (A) Animals (B) Bacteria (C) Fungi (D) Protests
- Similar cells organized into groups and
perform same functions are known as: (A) Organelle (B) Tissue (C) Organ system (D) Organ
- Which of these tissues also make the glandular tissue in animals? (A) Muscular tissue (B) Connective tissue (C) Epithelial tissue (D) Nervous tissue
- When we study the feeding relationship among
different animal species of a forest, at what level
of organization we are studying? (A) Biosphere level (B) Community level (C) Population level (D) Organism level
- Which one of these elements has the highest
percentage in living organisms? (A) Nitrogen (B) Oxygen (C) Hydrogen (D) Carbon
- Individuals of the same species, living together at
a same time make a level: (A) Population (B) Community (C) Ecosystem (D) Habitat
- Areas where living things interact with the
nonliving components of the environment is
called: (A) Specie (B) Ecosystem (C) Community (D) Population
- At which point is a biological most likely to use reasoning? (A) During data organization (B) During hypothesis formulation (C) While taking observation (D) None of these
- “Plasmodium is the cause of malaria.” This statement is a: (A) Theory (B) Deduction (C) Law (D) Hypothesis
- Which scientist firstly observed microorganisms
in the blood of a malarial patient? (A) Robert Hooke (B) A.F.A king (C) Laveran (D) Ronald ross
- Dengue fever is spread by: (A) Anopheles mosquito (B) Aedes mosquito (C) Culex mosquito (D) Female anopheles mosquito
- Describe the roles of nitrogen and magnesium in plants.
- Write down the importance of fertilizers.
- Describe the role of calcium and iron in human body.
- Give the detail of different types of malnutrition.
- Describe the role of oral cavity in the digestion of food.
- Explain the role of small intestine in the digestion of food.
- Describe the role of liver in human body.
- Write a detailed note on absorption and defecation of water in large intestine.
- Write any two diseases of alimentary canal.
- How do different factors affect the rate of transpiration?
- Describe the theory of pressure flow mechanism to explain transport of food in plants.
- Write structure and functions of xylem and phloem tissues.
- Describe the symptoms, causes and treatments of blood disorders leukemia (blood cancer) and thalassaemia.
- Write a comprehensive note on ABO blood group system.
- Write a detailed note on human arterial system.
- Describe red blood cells and white blood cells.
- Write a comprehensive note on “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis”.
- What is meant by myocardial infarction? Describe its causes, symptoms and treatment.
- Differentiate between cardiac diastole and ventricular systole.
- What is meant by cardiac cycle?
- Differentiate between lubb and dubb.
- Write function of stethoscope.
- What are cardio vascular diseases? What is their cause?
- What is atherosclerosis?
- What is meant by angina pectoris? Write its symptoms.