English Paragraph Class 11
Very Important English Paragraph Class 11 written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These computerized questions with their answers are very helpful in the preparation of the lesson English Paragraph Class 11 for the students of English of 1st year and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured 11th class english paragraph.
- 1. While she was stacking dishes, she turned abruptly, dried her hands, and took the package from the bottom cabinetopening it, she set the button unit on the table. She stared at it for a long time before taking the key from its envelope
and removing the glass domed. She stared at the button. How ridiculous, she thought all this furor over a meaningless
- Don't miss out on these free and reliable 11th english important paragraph study materials for your exams.
- 2. Abruptly, she began to smash it on the sink edge, pounding it harder and harder, until the wood split. She pulled the
sider apart, cutting her fingers without noticing. There were no transistors in the box, no wires or tubes. The box was
- 3. When he‟d gone to work. Norma remained at the table, staring into her coffee. I‟m going to be late, she thought. She
shrugged, what difference did? While she was stacking dishes, she turned abruptly, dried her hands, and took the
package from the bottom cabinet-opening it, she set the button unit on the table. She stared at it for a long time before
taking the key from its envelope and removing the glass domed. She stared at the button. How ridiculous, she thought
all this furor over a meaningless button.
- Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow class 11 english important translation paragraph.
- 4. I didn‟t want to go with him. I had just finished walking a half mile uphill from my home to his. I had carried a basket of
dishes to Mom. There were two slips in the road and I couldn‟t drive my car. And I knew how hot it was. It was 97 in the
shade. I knew that from January until April my father had gone to eight different doctors. One of the doctors had told him
not to walk the length of a city block. He told my father to get a taxi to take him home.
- By Reading 11 class english paragraph explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
- 5. “Oh, yes” he said. “Early last spring, I couldn‟t climb straight up the steep path. That was when the doctor didn‟t give
me a week to live. I made a longer easier path so I wouldn‟t have to do so much climbing. Then, as I got better,” he
explained, “I made another path that was little steeper. And as I continued to get better, I made steeper paths. That was
one way of knowing I was getting better all the times!”
- 6. “When I bought this little farm everybody around here said I‟d end up with my family at the country poor farm if I tried
to make a living here,” he bragged again. “It took me thirty years to improve these old worn-out acres to make them do
this!”. “I like these woods Jess, “my father said, “Remember when we used to come here to hunt for squirrels?
- These english class 11 paragraph are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
- 7. Summer burned the canals dry. Summer moved like flame upon the meadows. In the empty earth settlement, the
painted houses flake and peeled. Tuber tires upon which children had swung in back yards hung suspended like
stopped clock pendulums in the blazing air.
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- 9. The rocket metal cooled the meadow winds. Its lid gave a bulging pop. From its clock interior stepped a man, a
woman, and three children. The other passengers whirled away across the Marian meadow. Leaving the man alone
among his family. The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight as if he were standing at the center
of a vacuum.
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