Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter

Important very easy Experiment No.5: Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter written by Miss Pakiza Waqar. This experiment is very helpful in the preparation of the Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter in Physics for the students and this is according to the Institute.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important conversion of galvanometer into ammeter pdf for Intermediate students.
  • APPARATUS: A moving coil galvanometer (Weston type), high resistance box (H.R.B), voltmeter, ammeter of 1.0 amp range, fractional resistance box (F.R.B), rheostat, two plug keys, screw gauge, battery (2-3 cells), sand paper and connecting wires, shunt wire (copper).
  • Important conversion of galvanometer into ammeter practical observations for Intermediate students.
  • Diagram 
  • PROCEDURE: I drew circuit diagram and made tight connections according to diagram. I connected H.R.B, battery, key K₁ and galvanometer in series which forms a loop.
  • Important conversion of galvanometer into ammeter experiment for Intermediate students.
  • Then I connected. F.R.B along with K, in parallel to galvanometer. I closed K, and opened K₂. I plug out suitable resistance from H.R.B and obtained even number deflection on galvanometer. Now I also closed K, and observed that deflection on galvanometer becomes zero. Then I plug out shunt resistance S from F.R.B which makes deflection on galvanometer half. I calculated resistance of galvanometer by formula   G= RS/R-S
  • Important conversion of galvanometer into ammeter class 12 for Intermediate students.
  • I took two more observations by changing values of R by same method. I calculated mean value of resistance of galvanometer. Then I noted the emf of cell using a voltmeter and calculated current passing through the galvanometer with resistance R by formula
  • Important conversion of galvanometer into ammeter practical observations table for Intermediate students.
  • I = E/R+G  I calculated the current required for full scale deflection by
  • Where n is the total number of divisions in galvanometer scale. Then in order to convert galvanometer into ammeter i calculated shunt resistance by formula.
  • Important convert galvanometer into ammeter experiment for Intermediate students.
  • Then I took a copper wire and used it as shunt resistance and measured its diameter at different points using screw gauge and calculated mean diameter and radius (r). Then I calculated length I of the wire by formula
  • I connected this length of wire in parallel to the galvanometer and this arrangement worked as converted ammeter.
  • Important experiment to convert galvanometer into ammeter for Intermediate students.
  • I connected ammeter in series to galvanometer according to circuit diagram and I took out a suitable resistance from H.R.B and noted the reading on both meters. Then I converted the galvanometer into ammeter and calculated the difference between two readings which came out nil.
  • Observations and Calculations: 
  • Current for full scale defection (using Ohm's law): Mean value of G = 123.2 Q  E.M.F. of the battery (or cell) with a voltmeter-1.3 volts
  • Total number of divisions on the galvanometer scale = n = 30 divs.
  • From observation No. 01 (take 1 or 2 or 3),
  • Resistance R = 4000 Ohms.
  • Deflection = 0=30 divs.
  • Current passing through galvanometer = 1 = E RG (Ohm's law)
  • Current for full scale deflection (30 div) = 1=xn
  • Hence Ex30 1.3 x30 (R+G) (4000+123.2)30 = -3 A=0.315x10 A = 0.315 mA
  • Shunt resistance for conversion of galvanometer into an ammeter of range 01.0
  • amperes:
  • The range of ammeter for conversion i.e. I = 1.0 A
  • The shunt resistance = Rs = G 1-1g
  • Rs = 0.315x10-3 1-0.315x10-3 123.= 0.0388 Ω
  • Calculation of length of shunt wire (Copper): Least count of screw gauge = 0.01 mm   Zero correction = zero
  • Observed diameter = (i) 0.40 mm (ii) 0.40 mm (iii) 0.40 mm
  • Mean diameter = 0.40+0.40+0.40 3 = 0.40 mm
  • Radius of the copper wire = r = d/2 = 0.40/2 = 0.20 mm = 0.020 cm
  • Specific resistance of copper wire = p = 1.72 x 100-cm
  • Length of wire used as shunt = 1 = 3.14x (0.02)2x0.0388 1.72 x 10-6 = 28.33 cm
  • Verification: Checking the accuracy of converted galvanometer Total number of divisions of galvanometer = n 30 divs.
  • 1.0 So, the value of each division of shunted galvanometer = -0=0.30
  • RESULT: It is found that to convert the galvanometer into an ammeter reading up to 1.0 ampere, the galvanometer should be shunted with a resistance of 0.03880.

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