Class 9th Physics Chapter 2 Question Answer
Complete Notes of Class 9th Physics Chapter 2 Question Answer Kinematics Numericals Class 9 in 9th Class Physics Urdu Medium written by Sir Fahad Abbas Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Kinematics Numericals Class 9 for students of the 9th class Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important Class 9th Physics Chapter 2 Question Answer for Matriculation part-I students.
- Important Values and Important Formulas
- Kinematics Exercise Numericals with Solutions in Urdu
- The first thing concerning the motion of an object is its kinematics. Kinematics is the study of motion of an object without discussing the cause of motion. In this unit, we will study the types of motion, scalar and vector quantities, the relation between displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration; linear motion and equations of motion.
- REST AND MOTION: We see various things around us. Some of them are at rest while others are in motion. "A body is said to be at rest, if it does not change its position with respect to its surroundings".
- Surroundings are the places in its neighbourhood where various objects are present. Similarly, "A body is said to be in motion, if it changes its position with respect to its surroundings".
- The state of rest or motion of a body is relative. For example, a passenger sitting in a moving bus is at rest because he/she is not changing his/her position with respect to other passengers or objects in the bus. But to an observer outside the bus, the passengers and the objects inside the bus are in motion.
- TYPES OF MOTION: If we observe carefully, we will find that everything in the universe is in motion. However, different objects move differently. Some objects move along a straight line, some move in a curved path, and some move in some other way. There are three types of motion.
- (I) Translatory motion (linear, random and circular)
- (ii) Rotatory motion
- (iii) Vibratory motion (to and fro motion)
- TRANSLATORY MOTION: Watch how various objects are moving. Do they move along a straight line? Do they move along a circle? A car moving in a straight line has translational motion. Similarly, an aeroplane moving straight is in translational motion.
- "In translational motion, a body moves along a line without any rotation. The line may be straight or curved".
- Example: Translatory motion of an object along a curved path.
- LINEAR MOTION: We come across many objects which are moving in a straight line. The motion of objects such as a car moving on a straight and level road is linear motion.
- "Straight line motion of a body is known as its linear motion".
- Aeroplanes flying straight in air and objects falling vertically down are also the examples of linear motion.
- CIRCULAR MOTION: A stone tied at the end of a string can be made to whirl. A stone tied at the end of a string moves in a circle. What type of path is followed by the stone? The stone as shown in moves in a circle and thus has circular motion.
- RANDOM MOTION: Have you noticed the type of motion of insects and birds? Their movements are irregular.
- ROTATORY MOTION: Study the motion of a top. It is spinning about an axis. Particles of the spinning top move in circles and thus individual particles possess circular motion.
- "The spinning motion of a body about its axis is called its rotatory motion".
- Can you spin a ball at the tip of the finger? Can you point out some more differences in circular and rotatory motion? The motion of a wheel about its axis and that of a steering wheel are the examples of rotatory motion. The motion of the Earth around the Sun is circular motion and not the spinning motion. However, the motion of the Earth about its geographic axis that causes day and night is rotatory motion. Think of some more examples of rotatory motion.