Class 9th Physics Chapter 1 Question Answer

Important Full Notes of Class 9th Physics Chapter 1 Question Answer Physical Quantities and Measurement Numericals in 9th Class Physics Urdu Medium written by Sir Fahad Abbas Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Physical Quantities and Measurement Numericals for students of the 9th class Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Conversion and Important Formulas
  • Here are the detailed Class 9th Physics Chapter 1 Question Answer to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Physical Quantities and Measurement Exercise Numericals with Solutions in Urdu Medium
  • PHYSICAL QUANTITIES: All measurable quantities are called physical quantities such as length, mass, time and temperature. A physical quantity possesses at least two characteristics in common. One is its numerical magnitude and the other is the unit in which it is measured. For example, if the length of a student is 104 cm then 104 is its numerical magnitude and centimetre is the unit of measurement. Similarly when a grocer says that each bag contains 5 kg sugar, he is describing its numerical magnitude as well as the unit of measurement. It would be meaningless to state 5 or kg only. Physical quantities are divided into base quantities and derived quantities.
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  • BASE QUANTITIES: There are seven physical quantities which form the foundation for other physical quantities. These physical quantities are called the base quantities. These are length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, intensity of light and the amount of a substance.
  • DERIVED QUANTITIES: Those physical quantities which are expressed in terms of base quantities are called the derived quantities. These include area, volume, speed, force, work, energy, power, electric charge, electric potential, etc.
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  • INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS: Measuring is not simply counting. For example, if we need milk or sugar, we must also understand how much quantity of milk or sugar we are talking about. Thus, there is a need of some standard quantities for measuring/comparing unknown quantities. Once a standard is set for a quantity then it can be expressed in terms of that standard quantity. This standard quantity is called a unit.
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  • With the developments in the field of science and technology, the need for a commonly acceptable system of units was seriously felt all over the world particularly to exchange scientific and technical information. The eleventh General Conference on Weight and Measures held in Paris in 1960 adopted a world-wide system of measurements called International System of Units. The International System of Units is commonly referred as SI.
  • BASE UNITS:  The units that describe base quantities are called base units. Each base quantity has its SI unit.
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  • DERIVED UNITS: The units used to measure derived quantities are called derived units. Derived units are defined in terms of base units and are obtained by multiplying or dividing one or more base units with each other. The unit of area (metre)-2 and the unit of volume (metre)-3 are based on the unit of length, which is metre. Thus the unit of length is the base unit while the unit of area and volume are derived units. Speed is defined as distance covered in unit time; therefore its unit is metre per second. In the same way the unit of density, force, pressure, power etc. can be derived using one or more base units.
  • PREFIXES: Some of the quantities are either very large or very small. For example, 250 000 m, 0.002 W and 0.000 002 g, etc. SI units have the advantage that their multiples and sub-multiples can be expressed in terms of prefixes. Prefixes are the words or letters added before SI units such as kilo, mega, giga and milli.
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  • SCIENTIFIC NOTATION: A simple but scientific way to write large or small numbers is to express them in some power of ten. The Moon is 384000000 metres away from the Earth. Distance of the moon from the Earth can also be expressed as 3.84 x10 power 8 m. This form of expressing a number is called the standard form or scientific notation. This saves writing down or interpreting large numbers of zeros. 

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