Class 9 Math Chapter 8 Question Answer

Handwritten and composed notes Class 9 Math Chapter 8 Question Answer Linear Graphs & their Application of Chapter No.8: Linear Graphs & their Application notes written by Professor Asad Khalid Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Linear Graphs & their Application for the students of Mathematics Science group of the (9 class) Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important notes of Class 9 Math Chapter 8 Question Answer for Matriculation part-I students.
  • Complete Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of Chapter No.8: Linear Graphs & their Application 9th class Mathematics Science group in English medium.
  • Complete Chapter exercise wise solved questions of Chapter No.8: Linear Graphs & their Application 9th class Mathematics Science group in English medium.
  • Complete chapter review exercise questions of Chapter No.8: Linear Graphs & their Application 9th class Mathematics Science group in English medium.
  • Important definitions asking in board question papers of Chapter No.8: Linear Graphs & their Application 9th class Mathematics Science group in English medium.
  • Here are the detailed 9th class math chapter 8 question answer pdf to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Identify pair of real numbers as an ordered pair.
  • Recognize an ordered pair through different examples.
  • Describe rectangular or Cartesian plane consisting of two number lines interesting at right angles at the point O.
  • Identify origin (O) and coordinate axes (horizontal and vertical axes or x-axis and y-axis) in the rectangular plane.
  • Locate an ordered pair (a, b) as a point in the rectangular plane and recognize. (i) a as the x-coordinate (or abscissa), (ii) b as the y-coordinate (or ordinate).
  • Draw different geometrical shapes (e.g., line segment, triangle and rectangle etc.) by joining a set of given points.
  • Construct a table for pairs of values satisfying a linear equation in two variables.
  • Plot the pairs of points to obtain the graph of a given expression.
  • Choose an appropriate scale to draw a graph.
  • You can also download the 9th class math chapter 8 question answer pdf download for free.
  • Draw a graph of,  (i) An equation of form y = c,  (ii) An equation of form x = a,  (iii) An equation of form y = mx,  (iv) An equation of form y = mx + c.
  • Draw a graph from a given table of (discrete) values.
  • Solve appropriate real life problems.
  • Interpret conversion graph as a linear graph relating to two quantities which are in direct proportion.
  • Read a given graph to know one quantity corresponding to another.
  • Read the graph for conversions of the form.  (i) miles and kilometers, acres and hectares,  (ii) degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit,  (iii) Pakistani currency and another currency, etc. 
  • Solve simultaneous linear equations in two variables using graphical method.
  • Cartesian Plane and Linear Graphs:
  • An Ordered Pair of Real Numbers: An ordered pair of real numbers x and y is a pair (x, y) in which elements are written in specific order. i.e., (i) (x, y) is an ordered pair in which first element is x and second is y. such that (x, y) ≠ (y, x) where x ≠ y.  (ii) (2, 3) and (3, 2) are two different ordered pairs. (iii) (x, y) = (m, n) only if x = m and y = n.

Recognizing an Ordered Pair:

  • In the class room the seats of a student is the example of an ordered pair. For example, the seat of the student A is at the 5th place in the 3rd row, so it corresponds to the ordered pair (3, 5). Here 3 shows the number of the row and 5 shows its seat number in this row.
  • Similarly an ordered pair (4, 3) represents a seat located to a student A in the examination hall is at the 4th row and 3rd column i.e. 3rd place in the 4th row.

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