Class 9 Islamiat Notes Chapter 4
Important Class 9 Islamiat Notes Chapter 4 Ethics and manners in Urdu Medium written by Mr. M. Tayyab Shahzad. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Ethics and manners in Urdu Medium of 9 class Islamiat Lazmi for the students of the Matriculation and these are according to the new paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Don't miss out on these free and reliable Class 9 Islamiat Notes Chapter 4 for your exams.
- Complete Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of Chapter No.4: 9th class islamiat chapter 4 Ethics and manners in Urdu Medium mcqs of 9th class Islamiat Lazmi.
- Complete 9 class islamiat chapter 4 short questions notes Ethics and manners in Urdu Medium of 9 class Islamiat Lazmi.
- Complete 9 class islamiat chapter 4 long questions Ethics and manners in Urdu Medium of 9 class Islamiat Lazmi.
- After preparing these notes, students will be able to answer them.
- Be able to learn from the examples of gratitude and contentment, trust and honesty, sincerity and piety and concealment.
- Be able to demonstrate gratitude and contentment, trust and honesty, sincerity and piety and concealment in matters of practical life.
- By adopting the attributes of gratitude, trust and honesty, sincerity and piety and concealment, you can become an ideal Muslim and serve the society.
- By covering up the faults of others in daily life, they can make the society a cradle of peace and harmony.
- To be able to benefit from the social benefits and fruits of gratitude and contentment, trust and honesty, sincerity and piety and concealment in practical life.
- The literal meaning of gratitude is to acknowledge kindness, to recognize the value and to reward goodness by accepting it as favor. Contentment means being content with fate. Contentment in the literal sense means that a person is satisfied with the sustenance that is being given by Allah Ta'ala. Allah says:
- Translation: If you give thanks, I will surely give you more. (Surat Ibrahim (7) )
- The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) has said that a successful person is the one who became a Muslim and got sustenance as much as possible and Allah gave him the ability to be content with what he gave. (Sahih Muslim: 1054)
- Contentment does not mean that a person should stop looking for reasons, rather, he should keep trying and be satisfied with what he finds after hard work. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: Whoever finds something and mentions it, he is thankful for it, and whoever hides it, he is ungrateful (Sunan Abi Dawud: 4814).
- (2) Trust and honesty: Trust and honesty refers to doing any thing and work according to its correct requirements. Trust and honesty are not only related to wealth, but in Islam its concept is very broad and trust and honesty are related to every area of life. The greatest trust is the promise of the Creator to humans, to fulfill which man has been sent into the world, all other trusts are related to this basic concept. The payment of the rights of Allah and the rights of the servants are also included in them. Allah says:
- Verily, Allah commands you to entrust the trusts to their rightful owners.” (Surah Al-Nisa: 58)
- The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: "There is no faith in the person who trusts him and his companions." Who is not trustworthy. (Musnad Ahmad: 12410)
- The chain of payment of trusts starts from the time of the ruler and comes down to a servant. , the rich should pay the right to help the poor from their wealth, the employed should adhere to their hours in the offices, these are all forms of trust and honesty.
- (3) Sincerity and piety: Ikhlas means to make pure, to purify. Sincerity means that every action should be for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. In the Holy Qur'an, the condition of acceptance of goodness has been declared to be sincerity. Allah says:
- Translation: And they were commanded to worship only Allah for Him, purifying the religion and being completely united. (Surah Al-Bayinah: 5)
- The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: Translation: "All actions are guided by intentions." (Sahih Bukhari: 1)