Class 9 General Science Chapter 4 Question Answer

Complete Notes of Class 9 General Science Chapter 4 Question Answer Human Health in 9th Class General Science Urdu Medium by Sir Usman Lateef Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of the Human Health for students of the Class 9 General Science Chapter 4 Question Answer and these are according to the new paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Questions of Chapter No.4: Human Health in General Science 9th class Urdu Medium.
  • The health is wealth and a great gift from God Almighty. Human health not only depends upon the type of the food we take in but also on the fact whether a man is acquainted of all the phenomenon occurring in its body. Only after having a comprehensive knowledge of all these facts he can be successful to maintain his health. In this chapter, we shall not only discuss the role of diet to maintain the human health but we shall also try to investigate both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence human health and how a man can cope with all these challenges.
  • Food and its Major Components: Food is the basic necessity of human life. Scientifically speaking food is any thing which after digestion provides energy to the body for various activities and also helps in its growth and development.
  • WaterWater is utmost important for life. A man can survive without food for at least a month but just for a few days without water. It is the most important component of human body, it makes almost 60% of an adult body weight. Water performs a number of very important functions in human body. It helps to maintain our body temperature. It acts as a medium for various chemical reaction in body. It helps in the metabolism of various substances in the presence of enzymes in the intracellular environment. It transports the nutrients to the cells and helps in the excretion of wastes of body. It acts as a lubricant in the joints and other internal body organs.
  • Carbohydrates: They occur abundantly in all the living organisms and in almost all the cells. Cellulose of wood, cotton and paper, starch present in muscles of animals, lactose of milk and sucrose of cane are all examples of carbohydrates.
  • They play an important structural and functional role in living organisms. They are the primary source of energy for the cell. Wheat, rice, pulses, sugarcane, potato and beat are major sources.
  • FatsLipids are classified as fats and oils. Fats are solid while oils are liquids at room temperature. Fats are obtained from animals while oils are produced from plants. The lipids are formed by the chemical combination of fatty acids with glycerol.
  • Butter, cream, corn oil, ghee are the examples of lipids. Fats provide a large amount of energy to our body as compared to carbohydrates and proteins. They provide the body with fat soluble vitamins. They accumulate below the skin and help to conserve the body heat. In addition they also protect the vital organs of our body such as heart, liver, kidney from mechanical injuries.
  • Proteins: After water, the proteins are the most abundant of all the chemical substances in the body. The muscles, tissues and blood all are made up of proteins. They perform such important functions in body which would otherwise be impossible to occur. These are the large complex molecules made up by the condensation of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins molecules.
  • They can be obtained from both plants and animals. Milk, egg, meat, fish are the animal sources of proteins whereas wheat, beans, pulses etc are its botanical sources. All the proteins are made up of twenty different types of amino acids.
  • Proteins act as enzymes to catalyze various chemical reactions of the body. They act as hormone and bring about coordination in various physiological activities of the body.

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