Class 9 General Science Chapter 10 Question Answer
Complete Notes of Class 9 General Science Chapter 10 Question Answer Science and Technology Notes in 9th Class General Science Urdu Medium by Sir Usman Lateef Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of the Science and Technology Notes for students of the Class 9 General Science Chapter 10 Question Answer these are according to the new paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Questions of Chapter No.10: Science and Technology in General Science 9th class Urdu Medium.
- 1. Role of Science and Technology in the Development of the Country, 2. Radioactivity, 3. Technology in the, 4 X-rays, 5. Ultrasound, 6. Lasers, 7. E.C.G, E.E.G, MRI, C.T. Scan, Angeography, 8. Fibre Optics, 9. Important Industries of Pakistan, 10. Satellites and Radar
- Role of Science and Technology: We had extremely limited resources in the beginning when Pakistan came into being. Most of the things of daily usage had been imported from other countries. In the field of science and technology we were lagging so much that even a bicycle or a fan was not manufactured. By the grace of God, motor cycles, cars, tractors and even ships are now made in Pakistan.
- No doubt, it is the age of science and technology. Without the progress in this department, no country can keep the stability of real independence. It always depends on others for its necessities.
- In the medical sector we have made higher achievements. In modern diagnosis, Ultrasound, CT scan, ECG, MRI and in modern ways of treatment surgery of vital parts of the body angiography, angioplasty etc. are becoming common. There is also advancement in laser treatment whereas radiotherapy is also onto the road of success.
- Agricultural development is quite evident. In the past, when cultivation was done by ploughs. But now almost everyone is cultivating by tractors and modern equipments. Efforts made by agriculture department are appreciable for providing good seeds for good production. Now many universities are linked with this department.
- Lasers: Laser is an abbreviation of the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser is an intense beam of light in which all the waves have the same wavelength and all are in phase. Such a beam of light is called monochromatic. Laser beam travels in one direction, whereas ordinary light spreads out. That is why the ordinary light covers a large distant area while the laser does not spread. Due to this characteristic of laser, different figures can be displayed in space. Because laser is an amplified light i.e., it intensifies the light. To raise the intensity of light, it is amplified again and again. For this purpose two plane mirrors are used.
- Tidbits: The first laser ever used is ruby crystal which is excited by a powerful flash of light.
- Usually crystals e.g., ruby, glass or semi-conductors are used to make lasers. Beside these, some gases are also used for this purpose.
- Applications of Laser: Now-a-days, use of laser has become very common. A few of the applications are given below:
- Surgery: Lasers are employed as light scalpel, that is surgical cutting and coagulation tool. When a laser beam is focussed onto a tissue, it cuts down after being too much hot. Thus only that area is cut on which it is focussed. Laser does not harm the surrounding portion. By laser surgery the blood coagolatics in capillaries so it protects from bleeding. Laser surgery is of special importance in liver operation.
- Ophthalmology: Argon lasers are presently used for operating cataract and glaucoma.
- Dermatology: Laser radiations are used for many skin diseases and removal of stains and pigments in the skin.
- Dentistry: Laser presents promising application in clinical dentistry in which by means of photocoagulation nerves a special painted material is fused into teeth cavities.