Class 9 General Science Chapter 1 Question Answer

Important full Class 9 General Science Chapter 1 Question Answer Introduction and Role of Science Pdf in 9th Class General Science Urdu Medium by Sir Usman Lateef Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of the Introduction and Role of Science Pdf for students of the 9th class General Science and these are according to the new paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed Class 9 General Science Chapter 1 Question Answer to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Questions of Chapter No.1: Introduction and Role of Science of General Science 9th class Urdu Medium.
  • The word "Science" is derived from the latin word "Scientia", which means to study and analyse facts in original form. The basic principle of science is observation and hypothesis. To establish scientific law in the light of experiments is called scientific method.
  • History of Science: The history of science is as old as the man himself. With the passage of time man learnt from his interaction with the surroundings which later added to his knowledge of science e.g.. when he burnt first time the wood for fire, he basically discovered the process of combustion and he also came to know that wood burns but a stone does not.
  • Greek philosophers took special interest in science as they did in other subjects. They took interest in science even before 500 B.C. Greeks were not interested in proving their ideas through experiments. They had a firm belief that life is based on air, water, earth and fire and these four elements make different things when combined in different proportions.
  • 600 A.D. to 1400 A.D. is the era of Islamic chemistry. In this period many intelligent and research minded scholars observed the properties of matter. They carried on new experiments and discovered elements like "Arsenic". Besides this, a number of compounds were made. Experimental tools like retort were made for distillation. The period of Alchemy was no doubt the period of muslim scientists. They presented chemistry as experimental science for the first time. Many experiments were performed in this period and many new chemical reactions were discovered.
  • In 13th century muslims brought a complete change in the field of chemistry and they dominated for about seven centuries until Changez Khan and Halaku Khan destroyed the Islamic world. Gradually the western scientists who got knowledge from muslim universities took over the task of developing science from the muslims. They introduced these scientific approaches in Europe, which are still practised. Modern age scientists are Galileo, Isaac Newton, Greger Mendel, Edison, Marconi, Einstein and many others.
  • Concept of Science in Islam: Islam is a complete code of life. It gives us a clear and real picture of the facts and invites us to utilize natural resources for the benefit of mankind. Islam is a practical religion and it is based on logic, observations, experiments and results. Many verses of the Holy Quran point out these factors clearly. The Holy Quran says:
  • Don't they see? Don't they think over it? Don't they ponder upon it?
  • Teachings of the Holy Quran make us more inquisitive about our surroundings even the first ever words of the Holy Quran are very clear about this:
  • Contribution of Muslim and Pakistani Scientists: (a) Jabir Bin Hayyan (722-817 A.D.): Jabir Bin Hayyan is said to be the founder of chemistry. He discovered methods to extract metals from ores, making steel, leather, dyeing cloths and protecting iron from rust. He prepared chemicals like nitric acid, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid. Jabir Bin Hayyan was the discoverer of many other chemical compounds. He also knew the methods for the preparation of varnish. Jabir Bin Hayyan was the first chemist who had his own laboratory.

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