Class 9 Computer Chapter 4 Question Answer
Important MCQs and short questions notes of Class 9 Computer Chapter 4 Question Answer Data and Privacy Computer SciencebEnglish Medium written by Sir Saud Khan. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Data and Privacy 9th class for students of the Class 9 Computer Chapter 4 Question Answer these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Data and Privacy Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers
- Patent: Patent is a way to protect an idea. If you are doing research in some field and you have an idea, then you must get patent for that idea. It gives you the right to exclude others from making or selling an invention using your idea.
- Example: If you are doing research in medical field and give a new idea to treat a particular disease, some pharmaceutical companies can make medicines on the basis of your idea. Ethically, they must seek your permission before making medicines using your idea. They should also pay a certain amount upon sale of the medicine. For this purpose, you must get a patent.
- Copyright Law: Copyright is different from a patent as copyright law says that some idea or product cannot be copied. The rights are reserved for copying. Usually, if a product is copyright protected then we see a symbol of copyright. For example, the book you are reading is copyright protected. So, making its photocopy is illegal. Similarly, software products are mostly copyright protected. It means that we cannot copy them, like, MS Windows, MS Office etc.
- Trade Secrets: Trade secrets are usually the secrets that are playing an important role for the success of a company. They have a lot of value and usefulness for the company. Keeping trade secrets in the computer science field is very important when more than one software companies develop the same product but one of them takes lead. For example, there are many free email services but few of them have significant competitive advantage over others.
- Sabotage: Sabotage is a serious attack on a computer system. Some malicious user can attack the system while sitting remotely. One can send virus with some free software. A virus is a computer program written with negative intentions. It can change/destroy an information or sabotage a precious data.
- Safeguarding Privacy of Others: Did you notice the boards on roads about cameras watching you as. The purpose of such notices is to you within certain rules and regulations. Similarly, speed cameras are announced before taking your picture or recording your video. These steps are just to safeguard your privacy. In the same way, when you give information to an organisation, it is the duty of that organisation to safeguard your privacy. Your information is stored in NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) along with information of your other family members. So, safeguarding this data is an ethical responsibility of NADRA.
- Importance of Data Privacy: Privacy Concerns that Arise Through the Mass Collection of Data: Many organizations are keeping our data due to the computerized systems in-place. There can be more people/organizations having information about you than you think. For example:
- A hospital may have your birth record, NADRA has your family information, Your school has your record, BISE (Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education), Passport office if you have a passport, Email service providers if you have email accounts, Online social networking websites etc.
- There are companies interested in a lot more than just your name, address and other basic facts about your life. They want to know where you have travelled, what type of clothes you wear, how often you have been sick, if you buy a product then do you buy something else with that product or not and much more.