Class 9 Computer Chapter 1 Notes

Important Notes of Class 9 Computer Chapter 1 Notes Problem Solving in 9th Class Computer Science Urdu Medium written by Sir Saud Khan. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of 9th Computer Science Chapter 1 for students of the Class 9 Computer Chapter 1 Notes these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed class 9 computer chapter 1 notes pdf to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Problem Solving  Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers, Short and Long Questions with Answers
  • Problem Solving Steps: 1. Defining a problem, 2. Understanding a problem, 3. Planning a solution, 4. Defining candid solutions, 5. Selecting the best solution
  • Flowcharts: 1. Defining a flowchart, 2. Explaining the importance of a flowchart for problem solving, 3. Determining the requirements for a flowchart, 4. Using flowchart symbols, 5. Drawing flowcharts for sample problems
  • Algorithm: 1. Defining an algorithm, 2. Describing role of algorithm in problem solving, 3. Formulating an algorithm, 4. Writing algorithms for sample problems, 5. Understanding efficiency of algorithms, 6. Differentiating between algorithms and flowcharts
  • Download the class 9 computer chapter 1 notes pdf today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • Test data: 1. Understanding the concept of test data, 2. Describing importance of testing, 3. Understanding types of test cases
  • Verification and validation: 1. Understanding the concept of verification, 2. Understanding the concept of validation
  • Identification and correction of errors: 1. Using trace table for testing, 2. Using invalid test data for testing
  • Problem Solving Steps: In order to solve a problem, it is important to follow a systematic approach. In the following we discuss different steps that we can follow to solve a problem systematically.
  • Our comprehensive computer class 9 chapter 1 notes lecture in urdu will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Defining a Problem: A well-defined problem is the one that does not contain ambiguities. All the conditions are clearly specified and it has a clear goal. It is easy to understand and solve. Given a problem statement, first we need to see whether the problem is defined well or not. If the problem is not defined well then we can use one of the following strategies to define the problem.
  • Gain Background Knowledge: We try to know the situation and circumstances in which the problem is happening. In this way, we can identify the given state. It also helps to know what a good solution will look like. How we shall be able to measure the solution.
  • Important notes of computer class 9 chapter 1 for Matriculation part-I students.
  • Use Guesses: We try to guess the unknown information through appropriate guesses. These guesses may be bases upon our past experiences.
  • Draw a Picture: If the problem is not well-defined, we can draw a picture and fill the undefined information.
  • Albert Einstein said, "If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it".
  • Understanding a Problem: It is important to understand the problem before jumping into the solution of the problem. For example, a riddle or a puzzle can be answered only after clear understanding. A clear understanding of a problem makes it easier to solve and helps to save money, time and resources. Understanding of a problem usually includes identification of the 5 Ws (what, who, when, where, and why). Problem analysis is the process to figure out these 5 Ws from a problem statement. Problem analysis helps to understand a given problem. These are the basic elements which lead towards the solution of a given problem. For example, consider the following problem statement:
  • "Suppose your class teacher assigns you a task to prepare a list of students in your school whose names start with letter 'A'. The list is required in order to prepare an alphabetical directory of all school students and there is only one week to complete the task."

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