Class 9 Computer Chapter 1 Important Questions

Important Notes of class 9 computer chapter 1 important questions Problem Solving in 9th Class Computer Science English Medium written by Sir Saud Khan. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of class 9 computer chapter 1 important questions for students of the 9th class Computer Science and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Problem Solving  Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers, Short and Long Questions with Answers
  • Planning a Solution: After analyzing a problem, we formulate a plan that may lead us towards the solution of a problem. This phase includes finding the right strategy for problem solving. Some of the strategies are:
  • Divide and Conquer: This strategy divides a complex problem into smaller problems.
  • Guess, Check and Improve: The designer guesses a solution to a problem and then checks the correctness of the solution. If the solution is not according to expectations, then he/she refines the solution. The refinement is an iterative process.
  • Act it Out: In this strategy the designer defines the list of "to-do" tasks. Afterwards he/she performs the task.
  • Prototype (Draw): This technique draws a pictorial representation of the solution. It is not the final solution. However, it may help a designer to understand the important components of the solution.
  • The selection of a strategy depends upon the problem. It is quite important that one strategy maybe more suitable to implement a solution than the other one. Very specifically, the selection of the strategy depends upon the nature of a problem.
  • Defining Candid SolutionsThe word candid refers to something spontaneous and unplanned. For example, if you are asked to find number of students in your school who can play cricket. You can estimate by finding cricket players in your class and then multiplying it by the total number of classes in your school. Your answer in this way is the candid solution. To find exact number of cricket players, you have to opt some other way, like visiting each class or getting data from teachers.
  • One can think of a candid solution anytime. A candid solution can help to save time. In there are different ways shown to reach a certain place (which can be reached either by going across the wall or by going sideways) and the one you think can work, is the candid solution. It is not necessary that the candid solution is the actual solution of a problem.
  • Selecting the Best SolutionSometimes we find more than one solutions of a problem and select the best one amongst them. For example, assume that names of all the students in your school are available on a website and you are asked to search a particular name. You can solve this search problem by either of the following methods:
  • 1. Look at each name on the website one by one until the name is found or the list is over. 2. Take printouts and search the required name. 3. Copy names, put them in Excel sheet and sort there in alphabetical order. Searching in a sorted list is comparatively easy. 4. Just press Ctrl+F, when the list is available in a web browser. You can type the name to search automatically.
  • There can be other solutions as well. Now we can identify a solution that has less number of steps or that seems more effective based on some criteria.
  • FlowchartsFlowcharts are helpful to know about the steps used to solve a problem. In the following, we discuss the concept of flowcharts in detail.
  • Definition: A flowchart is a graphical presentation of the steps to solve a problem. We use symbols for each step, and these symbols are connected with the help of arrows to show the flow of processing.

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