Class 9 Biology Chapter 1 pdf Notes English Medium

Important Notes of Class 9 Biology Chapter 1 pdf Notes English Medium written by Honorable Sir Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Introduction to Biology Class 9th English Medium these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of Chapter No.1 Introduction to Biology English Medium
  • What is meant by science?
  • Define biology.
  • Define histology.
  • Differentiate between zoology and botany.
  • Differentiate between molecular biology and microbiology.
  • Differentiate between biochemistry and morphology.
  • What are parasites? Define parasitology.
  • Differentiate between environmental biology and cell biology.
  • Entomology, pharmacology and immunology. 
  • Define anatomy and embryology. 
  • Differentiate between physiology and taxonomy.
  • What is meant by genetics and fossils?
  • What are major biological issues now days?
  • What is Biotechnology? Elaborate its usefulness.
  • What is meant by biogeography?
  • Define biometry and bio economics.
  • Describe animal husbandry as career in biology.
  • What is horticulture? Describe its two applications in daily life.
  • The Holy Quran supports the modern concept of classification. Justify with a verse.
  • Name famous books of Jabar Bin Hayan and Abdul Malik Asmai. 
  • Write the contributions of Bu-Ali-Sina.
  • Write a note on Jabir Bin Hayan.
  • Write down names of bio-molecules groups.
  • Differentiate between population and community.
  • Write down the levels of organization in sequence.
  • What is tissue level, also give examples? 
  • The organ system level is less complex in plants as compared to animals, why?
  • What is meant by bio elements? What is their number? Give examples also.
  • What do you know about simple and complex communities?
  • What is unicellular organization? Name any four unicellular organisms.
  • What is meant by colonial and multicellular type of organization?
  • Define vegetative and reproductive parts of plant.
  • Write the scientific name of mustard plant and Frog. And also write uses of Mustard plant.
  • Biochemistry: It deals with the study of the chemistry of different compounds and processes occurring in living organisms. For example the study of basic metabolism of photosynthesis and respiration involves the knowledge of chemistry.
  • Biomathematics / Biometry: It deals with the study of biological processes using mathematical techniques and tools. For example to analyze the data gathered after experimental work, biologists have to apply the rules of mathematics.
  • Biogeography: It deals with study of the occurrence and distribution of different species of living organisms in different geographical regions of the world. It applies the knowledge of the characteristics of particular geographical regions to determine the characteristics of living organisms found there.
  • Bioeconomics: It deals with the study of organisms from economical point of view. For example the cost value and profit value of the yield of wheat can be calculated through bioeconomics and benefits or losses can be determined.
  • Careers In Biology: It is essential that students of today, who will occupy positions of leadership tomorrow, have the background of the modern and forward-looking branches of science. An accurate and modern knowledge of biology, will promote a comprehension of both science and scientific research projects. It will benefit the learners in diverse list of careers. The following are the careers that a student of biology can plan to adopt.
  • Medicine / Surgery: The profession of medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in human. In surgery the parts of the body may be repaired, replaced or removed, for example the removal of stones through renal surgery, transplantation of kidney, liver etc. Both these professions are studied in the same basic course (MBBS) and then students go for specializations.
  • Fisheries: Fisheries is the professional study of fish production. There are departments in Pakistan where professionals of fisheries are employed. They serve for enhancing the quality and quantity of fish production. In Pakistan, this profession can be adopted after the bachelor or masters level study of zoology and fisheries.

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