Class 12 Physics Practical

Important very easy Class 12 Physics Practical written by Honorable Professor Asad Abbas Suib. These experiments are very helpful in the preparation of the Class 12 Physics Practical in Physics for the students and this is according to the Institute.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • 1. To find volume of a cylindrical by using Vernier Caliper.
  • 2. To find diameter and area of cross sectional of wire by screw gauge.
  • 3. To find the volume of spheres by screw gauge.
  • 4. To find the unknown weight of body by the method of vector addition of Forces.
  • 5. For simple pendulum verify that time period is independent of amplitude.
  • 6. For simple pendulum verify that time period is independent of mass of Bob.
  • 7. For simple pendulum verified time period is proportional to the square root of its length.
  • 8. To find the focal length of convex lens by displacement method.
  • 9. To find the refractive index of Glass by Critical Angle method.
  • 10. To find the volume of cheap by free fall method using an electrical time tracker / timer.
  • 11. To find the acceleration due to gravity by oscillating mass spring system.
  • 12. To find the resistance and resistivity of wire of the given wire by slides wire Bridge.
  • 13. To find the resistance of galvanometer by half deflection method.
  • 14. To find the resistance of voltmeter by drawing graph between R and 1 / V.
  • 15. To find the Emf of Cell By using Potentiometer.
  • 16. To find the internal resistance of cell by using potentiometer.
  • 17. To study the variation of current with intensity of light using photocell.
1. To find volume of a cylindrical by using Vernier Caliper:
  • Apparatus: Vernier calipers, solid cylinder
  • Procedure: (i). First of all I measured the least count of the vernier calipers. (ii). I checked the zero error of the vernier calipers and zero correction which was nil. (iii). Then I placed the cylinder lengthwise between the lower jaws of vernier calipers and estimated its length from the main and Vernier scales. I took three observations for length. (iv). Then I placed the cylinder diameter wise between lower jaws and took three observations for diameter by applying the same procedure. (v). I found out the mean values of length and diameter and find the mean radius. (vi). Finally I calculated the volume of the cylinder by applying the formula V = πr^2L
  • Observations and calculations:  Least count = Smallest division on t e main scale / Total number of division on t e Vernier scale
2. To find diameter and area of cross sectional of wire by screw gauge.
  • Apparatus : Micrometer screw gauge, wire 
  • Procedure:  (i). First of all I measured the least count of screw gauge. (ii). Then I checked the zero error of screw gauge and hence find the zero correction which was nil. (iii). Then I placed the wire between the studs of the screw gauge and turned the screw gently till the studs come in contact with wire. (iv). Then I measured the diameter of the wire by using main and circular scale as D = X+(n*L.C). (v). Then I measured the diameter at two more points of the wire and took mean value and mean radius. (vi). Finally I computed the area of the wire by using the formula A = πr^2
  • Observations and calculations:  Least count = Smallest division on t e main scale / Total number of division on t e Circular scale
3. To find the volume of spheres by screw gauge:
  • Apparatus: Micrometer screw gauge, wire
  •  Procedure: (i). First of all I measured the least count of screw gauge. (ii). Then I checked the zero error of screw gauge and hence find the zero correction which was nil. (iii). Then I placed the solid sphere between the studs of the screw gauge and turned the screw gently till the studs come in contact with the solid sphere. (iv). Then I measured the diameter of the solid sphere by using main and circular scale as D = X + ( n*L.C ). (v). Then I measured the diameter at two more points of the sphere and took mean value and mean radius. (vi). Finally I computed the volume of the sphere by using the formula V = 4 / 3 πr^3

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