Class 12 Chemistry Notes
Important Complete
Class 12 Chemistry Notes
written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of
Class 12 Chemistry Notes
for the students of the Intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
12 chemistry guide pdf download
for Intermediate part-II students.
Arrangement of elements according to atomic masses
Wrong position of elements
Arrangement of elements according to atomic number
Definition of Periods with example
12 chemistry notes
for Intermediate part-II students.
Definition of Ionization energy with example
Factors affecting ionization energy
Variation across a period
Definition of Electron Affinity with example
12 chemistry notes pdf
for Intermediate part-II students.
Definition of Metallic and Non-Metallic Character Metals with example
Definition of Oxidation State with example
Oxidation state in covalent compounds
12 chemistry notes pdf download
for Intermediate part-II students.
Oxidation state in the free state of elements
Electrical conductance of IA and IIA
Definition of Hydration Energy with example
Factor affecting hydration energy
12 chemistry study material
for Intermediate part-II students.
Properties of Ionic halides:
Properties of covalent halides
Reason for the peculiar behaviour
Reason for the peculiar behaviour
Peculiar Behaviour of Beryllium
12 class chemistry notes pdf
for Intermediate part-II students.
Commercial Preparation of Sodium by Down’s Cell Significance
Diagram of Down’s Cell Working
Commercial Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide by Diaphragm Cell Significance
12 class notes chemistry
for Intermediate part-II students.
Problems During the working of the Cell
Role of Gypsum in Agriculture and Industry Role of Gypsum in Agriculture
Preparation of Plaster of Paris for use
12 notes chemistry
for Intermediate part-II students.
Varieties of Plaster of Paris
Role of Lime in Agriculture and Industry
Role of Lime in Industries
12 organic chemistry notes
for Intermediate part-II students.
Hard Finish Plaster and Cement Plaster
Peculiar Behaviour of Boron Reason of peculiar behaviour
Preparation of boric acid on commercial scale
12 th chemistry notes
for Intermediate part-II students.
Definition of Silicates
Similarity between silicon and carbon chemistry
Definition of Semiconductors with example
Manufacture of Nitric Acid Birkeland and Eyde’s Process
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for Intermediate part-II students.
Comparison of Oxygen and Sulphur
Manufacturing of Sulphuric acid
Commercial Preparation of Bleaching Powder
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for Intermediate part-II students.
Commercial Uses of Halogens and their Compounds
Applications of helium
Manufacture of Wrought Iron from Cast Iron
Definition of corrosion
Organic Compounds and their properties
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for Intermediate part-II students.
Classification of Organic Compounds
Cracking of Petroleum
Types of Cracking
Following are the types of cracking: 1. Thermal cracking 2. Catalytic cracking 3. Steam cracking
Cause of Knocking in Engine
Importance of Octane Number
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for Intermediate part-II students.
Definition of Hybridization with example
Definition of Fertilizers with example
Elements essential for plant growth
Essential Qualities of a Good Fertilizer
Preparation of ammonium carbamate
12th class notes chemistry
for Intermediate part-II students.
These fertilizers provide potassium to the plant or soil. Benefits of potassium for plant
Definition of Cement Industry with example
Manufacturing Process of Cement
Comparison of dry and wet process
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for Intermediate part-II students.
Production of calcium hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide
Definition of Paper Industry with example
Effects of pollution on ecosystem
Definition of Acid Rain with example
Definition of Smog with example
chemistry notes for class 12
for Intermediate part-II students.
Physical characteristics of photochemical smog
Harmful effects of ozone depletion
Purification of water
Commonly used chlorinating agents
Incineration of the Muncipal Solid Waste
11 12 chemistry notes
for Intermediate part-II students.
Incineration of Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Define polymerization. Explain the term degree of polymerization.
How are macromolecules classified?
What is the structure of starch and cholesterol?
chemistry notes class 12
for Intermediate part-II students.
Define copolymer. Give example.
How Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is prepared and give its uses?
What are thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers?
Write a note on condensation polymer.
Give mechanism of addition polymerization.
solutions class 12 notes
for Intermediate part-II students.
In what way fats and oils are different?
What are lipids? Give two physical properties.
Discuss Saponification number and give example.
Define iodine number and acid number.
What is rancidity of fats and oils?
What is meant by hardening of oil?
What is denaturation of proteins?
What are carbohydrates? Why are they called so?
What are differences between DNA and RNA?
What is function of DNA and RNA?
Mention any four essential qualities of a good fertilizer.
Mention the steps involved in the manufacturing of urea.
Which reactions are involved in the manufacture of urea?
What is meant by prilling of urea?
What is the role of phosphorus in plant growth?
What is the role of potassium in plant growth?
Give percentage composition of cement.
What are the steps of the wet process for the manufacturing of cement?
Give different zones in the rotary kiln and their temperature ranges.
Mention the reactions taking place between 1 to 7 days in setting of cement.
Mention three non-woody and three woody raw materials used in paper industry.
Explain neutral sulphite semi-chemical process for paper making.
Define Environmental chemistry. Name components of the environment.
Define atmosphere. What is the composition of atmosphere?
What are primary and secondary air pollutants?
How detergents are threat to aquatic life?
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