Class 12 Biology Chapter 22 Notes
Important Complete Notes Class 12 Biology Chapter 22 written by Professor Mr. Feroz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Class 12 Biology Chapter 22 of Biology for the students of the 12 class and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important class 12 biology chapter 22 mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is Bombay phenotype?
- What is MODY?
- What is SRY gene? How it is transferred?
- What are the genes and alleles?
- What is a nullo gamete?
- What do you know about hypophosphatemic rickets?
- Important biology class 12 chapter 22 notes for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is testicular feminization syndrome?
- What are pseudo autosomal genes?
- What is haemophilia?
- What is the role of blood groups in establishing parentage?
- What is meant by universal blood donor and universal recipient?
- What are X-linked and Y-linked genes? Give one example of both.
- What is crossing over? What is its importance?
- Important biology class 12 chapter 22 important questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is bean-bag genetics? OR What is a gene pool? OR Differentiate between
gene and gene pool.
- What is meant by erythroblastosis foetalis? OR Why erythroblastosis foetalis is
called so? OR How does ABO incompatibility protect the developing baby against Rh-incompatibility?
- What is meant by linkage, linked genes and linkage groups? OR What is a linkage
group? OR Define linkage group by giving example. OR What are linkage groups? Give
their number in human beings. OR Define gene linkage and gene linkage groups.
- What is test cross? Why did Mendel suggest this cross? OR Give the significance of
test cross.
- Important biology class 12 chapter 22 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is the difference between heterogametic and homogametic individuals? OR What is heterogametic individual? Give example.
- What are compound sex chromosomes and their example?
- Compare monohybrids with dihybrids.
- Important class 12 biology chapter 22 important questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Define laws of Mendel. OR Define Mendel’s law of segregation (law of purity of
gametes). OR Define law of segregation.
- Differentiate between phenotype and genotype. OR What is the difference
between phenotype and genotype?
- Differentiate between incomplete dominance and co-dominance.
- Important biology class 12 chapter 22 important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Differentiate between autosomes and sex-chromosomes.
- Differentiate between gene and genome.
- Differentiate between homozygous and heterozygous.
- Differentiate between dominant trait and recessive trait.
- Differentiate between X-linked and Y-linked traits.
- Differentiate between X-linked dominant and X-linked recessive traits.
- Important class 12 biology chapter 22 important questions and answers for Intermediate part-II students.
- Differentiate between IDDM and NIDDM.
- Differentiate between multifactorial and polygenic traits.
- Differentiate between probability and product rule.
- Differentiate between protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia.
- Important biology class 12 chapter 8 notes for Intermediate part-II students.
- Differentiate between allele and multiple alleles? OR What are multiple alleles?
Give example.
- Differentiate between dominance and epistasis. OR What is epistasis? How it
differs from dominance?
- Differentiate between sex-limited and sex-influenced traits. OR What are sex-limited traits? OR What are sex-influenced traits? OR What is the sex-limited traits? Give
an example.
- Important class 12 biology chapter 8 handwritten notes for Intermediate part-II students.
- The value of parental combination of two linked gene AB and ab is 40, 40 and of
recombinant gene Ab and aB is 10, 10 respectively. Find recombination frequency.
- Write formula to calculate recombination frequency.
- How sexual dimorphism is exhibited in Drosophila? Male and female Drosophila shows sexual dimorphism i.e., these are morphologically distinct from each other. Male is smaller in size with black rounded abdomen. Female is larger with pointed abdomen. Male has sex combs on front legs.
- Important class 12 biology ch 8 notes for Intermediate part-II students.
- Differentiate between Gene and genome? Gene is the basic unit of biological information. Hereditary characteristics pass from parents to offspring through genes in their gametes. The genetic materials of an organism is the genome.
- Differentiate between Homozygous and heterozygous? When both the alleles of a gene pair in an organism are some, the organism is homozygous for that gene pair e.g., 'RR' or 'rr' When the two alleles of a gene pair in an organism are different, the organism is heterozygous for that gene pair e.g., 'Rr'.
- Important chapter 8 class 12 biology notes for Intermediate part-II students.
- Differentiate between Autosome and sex chromosome? All chromosomes other than sex-chromosomes are called autosomes. X and Y chromosomes are called sex-chromosomes because these have genes for determination of sex.
- Important class 12 chapter 8 biology notes for Intermediate part-II students.