Class 11th Physics Chapter 8 Notes

Important Easy to understand Class 11th Physics Chapter 8 Notes Waves written by Professor Mr. Asad Abbas Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Physics for class 11th physics chapter 8 important questions and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab Book Boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions class 11th physics chapter 8 mcq with Answers of the Chapter No. 8: Waves in 1st Year Physics Punjab Book Boards.
  • Definition of Wave and its types 
  • Definition of Mechanical waves
  • Definition of Electromagnetic waves
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 8 exercise questions from Punjab Textbook.
  • Definition of Matter waves
  • Definition of Progressive/travelling waves
  • Definition of Transverse waves
  • Definition of Longitudinal/compressional waves
  • Why sound waves are longitudinal in nature
  • Important 11th physics chapter 8 exercise from Punjab Textbook.
  • Definition of Periodic waves
  • Definition of Transverse periodic waves
  • Definition of Crest
  • Definition of Trough
  • Definition of Wavelength
  • Definition of Amplitude
  • Definition of Time period
  • Definition of Frequency
  • Definition of Speed of wave
  • Definition of Longitudinal/ Compressional periodic waves.
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 8 numericals from Punjab Textbook.
  • Derive Newton and Laplace formula for Speed of sound in air.
  • Describe Effects of variation of pressure density and temperature on speed of sound in air.
  • State Principle of superposition. Define its three cases.
  • What is Interference? Define constructive interference and destructive interference.
  • What are Beats? Write its uses.
  • Uses of beats: there are following uses of beats
  • What is Reflection of waves? State two cases of reflection in media?
  • What are Stationary waves?
  • Why stationary waves are called standing waves
  • What are stationary waves? Explain Stationary waves in a stretched string.
  • What are stationary waves? Explain Stationary waves in air column?  
  • What is Doppler Effect. Explain its cases.
  • Explain Applications of Doppler Effect.
  • What happens when a jet plane like Concorde flies faster than speed of sound? OR What is sonic boom?
  • Under what condition a standing wave pattern is formed?
  • What is primary driving mechanism in organ pipe?
  • How dolphin use echolocation?
  • How Doppler Effect used to monitor blood flow?
  • On which apparent frequency of blood flow depend?
  • How bat navigate & find food?
  • What features do longitudinal waves have in common with transverse waves?
  • Is it possible for two identical waves travelling in the same direction along a string to give rise to a stationary wave? 
  • A wave is produced along a stretched string but some of its particles permanently show zero displacement. What type of wave is it?
  • Explain the terms crest, trough, node and antinode.
  • Why does sound travel faster in solids than in gases?
  • How are beats useful in tuning musical instruments?
  • As a result of distant explosion, an observer senses a ground tremor and then hears the explosion. Explain the time difference.
  • Explain why travels sound faster in warm air than in cold air.
  • How should a sound source move with respect to an observer so that the frequency of its sound does not change?
  • The wavelength of the signals from a radio transmitter is 1500 m and frequency is 200 kHz. What is the wavelength for a transmitter operating at 1000 kHz and with what speed the radio waves travel?
  • Two speakers are arranged as shown in fig. 8.24. The distance between them is 3m and they emit a constant tone of 344 Hz. A microphone P is moved along a line parallel to and 4.00 m from the line connecting the two speakers. It is found that tone of maximum loudness is heard and displayed on the CRO when microphone is on the center of the line and directly opposite each speakers. Calculate the speed of sound.
  • A stationary wave is established in a string which is 120 cm long and fixed at both ends. The string vibrates in four segments, at a frequency of 120 Hz. determine its wavelength and the fundamental frequency?
  • The frequency of the note emitted by a stretched string is 300 Hz. What will be the frequency of this note when; (a) the length of the wave is reduced by one-third without changing the tension. (b) The tension is increased by one-third without changing the length of the wire. 
  • An organ pipe has a length of 50 cm. Find the frequency of its fundamental note and the next harmonic when it is (a) Open at both ends. (b) Closed at one end
  • A church organ consists of pipes, each open at one end, of different lengths. The minimum length is 30 mm and the longest is 4 m. calculate the frequency range of the fundamental notes
  • Two tuning forks exhibit beats at a beat frequency of 3 Hz. The frequency of one fork is 256 Hz. Its frequency is then lowered slightly by adding a bit of wax to one of its prong. The two forks then exhibit a beat frequency of 1Hz. Determine the frequency of the second tuning fork.
  • Two cars P and Q are travelling along a motorway in the same direction. The leading car travels at a steady speed of 12ms-1; the other car Q, travelling at a steady speed of 20 ms-1, sound its horn to emit a steady note which P’s driver estimates, has a frequency of 830 Hz. What frequency does Q’s own driver hear? 

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