Class 11th Physics Chapter 6 Notes

Important Easy to understand Notes of Class 11th Physics Chapter 6 Notes Fluid Dynamics written by Professor Mr. Asad Abbas Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of class 11th physics chapter 6 important questions for students of the 11th class and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab Book Boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions class 11th physics chapter 6 mcq with Answers of the Chapter No. 6: Fluid Dynamics in 1st Year Physics Punjab Book Boards.
  • What is Fluid and Fluid Statics and Fluid Dynamics.                           
  • What is Viscous drag and Stokes law
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 6 exercise questions from Punjab Textbook.
  • What is the Effect of temperature on viscosity of liquid and gases?
  • What is Drag force? Upon which factors it depends?
  • Factors upon which drag force depends
  • What is Terminal velocity? Derive its relation. OR Prove that terminal velocity is directly proportional to the square of radius.
  • Difference b/w laminar and turbulent flow.
  • State and Explain Equation of continuity.
  • State and Explain Bernoulli equation
  • State and prove Torricelli theorem
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 6 exercise from Punjab Textbook.
  • What is Relation b/w pressure and speed of fluid
  • What is Dynamic lift in aero plane?
  • How Perfume bottle works?
  • Why the chimney works best when it is tall?
  • Swing of fast moving cricket ball
  • What is Venture meter? Give its principle
  • Briefly describe about Blood flow
  • How blood pressure is measured?
  • Explain what do you understand by the term viscosity? 
  • What is meant by drag force? What are the factors upon which drag force acting upon a small sphere of radius r, moving down through liquid, depend?
  • Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air?
  • Explain the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow.
  • State Bernoulli’s relation to a liquid in motion and describe some of its applications.
  • A person is standing near a fast moving train. Is there any danger that he will fall towards it?
  • Identify the correct answer. What do you infer from Bernoulli’s theorem?
  • Two row boats moving parallel in the same direction are pulled towards each other. Explain.
  • Explain, how the swing is produced in a fast moving cricket ball.
  • Explain the working of a carburetor of a motor car using Bernoulli’s principle.
  • Important class 11th physics chapter 6 numericals from Punjab Textbook.
  • For which position will the maximum blood pressure in the body have the smallest value. (a) Standing up right (b) Sitting (c) Lying horizontally (d) Standing onone’s head?
  • In an orbiting space station, would the blood pressure in major arteries in the leg ever be greater than the blood pressure in major arteries in the neck?
  •  Certain globular protein particle has a density of 1246 kgm-3. It falls through pure water n=8.0*10^-4 Nm^-2s with a terminal speed of 3.0 cm h-1. Find the radius of the particle. 
  • Water flows through a house, whose internal diameter is 1cm at a speed of 1ms-1. What should be the diameter of the nozzle if the water is to emerge at 21ms-1?
  • The pipe near the lower end of a large water storage tank develops a small leak and a stream of water shoots from it. The top of water in the tank is 15m above the point of leak. (a) With what speed does the water rush from the hole? (b) If the hole has an area of 0.060 cm2, how much water flows out in one second?
  • What is flowing smoothly through a closed pipe system. At one point the speed of water is 3.0 ms-1, while at another point 3.0m higher, the speed is 4.0 ms-1. If the pressure is 80 kPa at the lower point, what is pressure at the upper point?
  • An airplane wing is designed so that when the speed of the air across the top of the wing is 450 ms-1, the speed of air below the wing is 410ms-1. What is the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the wings? (Density of air = 1.29kgm-3) 
  • The radius of the aorta is about 1.0cm and the blood flowing through it has a speed of about 30 cms-1. Calculate the average speed of the blood in the capillaries using the fact that although each capillary has a diameter of about , there are literally millions of them so that their total cross section is about 2000 cm2. 
  • How large must a heating duct be if air moving 3.0ms-1 along it can replenish the air in a room of 300 m3 volume every 15min? Assume the air’s density remains constant.
  • An airplane design calls for a “lift” due to the net force of the moving air on the wing of about 1000Nm-2 of wing area. Assume that air flows past the wing of an aircraft with streamline flow. If the speed of flow past the lower surface is 160ms-1, what is the required speed over the upper surface to give a “lift” of 1000Nm-2? The density of air is 1.29 Kgm-3 and assume maximum thickness of wing to be one metre.
  • What gauge pressure is required in the city mains for a stream from a fire hose connected to the mains to reach a vertical height of 15.0m?   

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