Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Notes

Important Short questions and numerical of Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Zeeshan Maqsood Suib from Punjab College Lahore. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 mcqs from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • What are the main frontiers of the fundamental sciences? :Ans: There are three main frontiers of fundamental science. • The world of extremely large. i.e. universe, stars etc.
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 solved mcqs from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • The world of the extremely small (i.e. particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons) • The world of middle sized things (from molecule to Earth). It is the world of complex matter.
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 notes pdf from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • What are the steps involving in measuring of base quantities?: Ans: The measurement of base quantities involves two steps:  The choice of standard.
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 important questions with answers from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • The procedure for comparing the quantity to be measured with the standard. Properties of an Ideal Standard: An ideal standard has two principle characteristics: • It is easily accessible • It is invariable
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 important short questions from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Differentiate between radian and steradian. Ans: Radian Steradian • It is plane angle (two dimensional angle) • It is the plane angle between two radii of a circle which cut off on the circumference an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle. •
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 important notes from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Diagram from book • It is solid angle (three dimensional angle) • It is the solid angle subtended at the center of sphere by an area of surface equal to square the radius of the sphere. • Diagram from book. 
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 short question answer from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Define scientific notation. Give one example.: Define scientific notation. Give one example. Ans: Scientific Notation: “Numbers are expressed in standard form is called scientific Notation, which employ power of ten. In scientific notation a number is expressed as some power of ten multiplied by a number of between 1 and 10.”
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 solutions from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Differentiate between random and systematic error.
  • Define significant figures. Write two rules with examples.
  • Very important notes for chapter 1 physics class 11 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • How can you assess the total uncertainty in the final result in case of addition or subtraction?
  • How can you assess the total uncertainty in the final result in case of multiplication or division?
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 exercise solutions from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • How can you assess the total uncertainty in the final result in case of power factor?
  • How can you assess the total uncertainty in the final result in case of average of many measurement?
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 numericals from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • How can you assess the total uncertainty in the final result in case of timing experiment?
  • What is the difference between precision and accuracy?
  • Very important 1st chapter of physics class 11 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Define dimensional analysis. Write its uses.
  • What are the dimension of force and work?
  • Describe the principle of homogeneity of dimensional analysis.
  • Very important notes for physics class 11 chapter 1 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Name several repetitive phenomena occurring in nature which could serve as responsible time standards.
  • Give the draw backs to use the period of pendulum as a time standard?
  • Very important notes of chapter 1 of physics class 11 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Why do we find it useful to have two units for amount of substance, the kilogram and mole?
  • Three students measured the length of a needle with a scale on which minimum division is 1 mm and recorded as
  • Very important important notes of physics class 11 chapter 1 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • An old saying is “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. “What analogous statement that can you make regarding experimental data used in computation?
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 handwritten notes pdf from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • The period of a simple pendulum is measured by a stop watch. What types of error are possible? 
  • Does dimensional analysis give any information about a constant of proportionality that may appear in an algebraic expression?
  • Very important notes of physics chapter 1 class 11 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • A light year is the distance light travels in one year. How many meters are there?
  • Very important class 11 physics handwritten notes pdf chapter 1 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Very important class 11 physics chapter 1 units and measurements notes from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
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  • Very important notes of chapter 1 class 11 physics from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.
  • Very important class 11 physics notes chapter 1 from Punjab Textbook for Intermediate part-I students.

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