Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 10 Notes

Important Complete Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 10 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Electrochemistry of Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 10 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • What is Electrochemistry?
  • Define oxidation number or state.
  • State rules for assigning oxidation number (Mention any four as an answer to short question).
  • Define metallic conduction. 
  • Define ionization. Give an example. 
  • What is an electrolytic cell?
  • Differentiate between electrolytic and galvanic cell. 
  • Define electrolysis OR Define electrolysis. Give one example. 
  • Differentiate between Ionization and electrolysis. 
  • Differentiate between conduction through metals and molten electrolytes.
  • How electrolysis takes place in fused salts? 
  • How electrolysis takes place in aqueous solution of salts? OR Explain electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium nitrate.
  • Give the chemistry of electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium chloride. 
  • Explain extraction of sodium by Down’s cell.
  • How the process of electrolysis is applied in the production of caustic soda?
  • How impure copper is purified by the process of electrolysis?
  • What is the function of salt bridge?
  • A salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality in the cell. Explain.
  • what is a voltaic cell?
  • Is voltaic cell a reversible cell?
  • Define electrode potential OR What is standard electrode potential?
  • What is SHE?
  • The equilibrium is set up between metal atoms of electrode and ions of metal in a cell. How?
  • SHE acts as anode when connected with Cu but acts as cathode when connected with Zn. Justify your answer with equations.
  • A porous plate or a salt bridge is not required in Lead acid storage battery. Justify. 
  • Write down reactions taking place at the electrodes during discharging of Nickel Cadmium cell.
  • write two advantages of fuel cells.
  • Write recharging of lead accumulator battery
  • Lead accumulator is a chargeable battery. Justify. 
  • How electrolysis takes place in fused salts? Ans: When a fused salt is electrolyzed, the metal ions called cations arrive at the cathode which being negatively charged supply electrons to them and thus discharge the cations. The anions move towards the anode, give up their electrons and are thus discharged.
  • What is alkaline battery?
  • Define electrolysis OR Define electrolysis. Give one example. Ans: The electrochemical reactions that occur at the electrodes during the electrolytic conduction constitute the phenomenon of electrolysis. OR Electro comes from electricity and lysis means breakdown, so electrolysis is the breakdown of salts by passing electric current. Moreover, the electrochemical reactions that occur at the electrodes during the electrolytic conduction constitute the phenomenon of electrolysis. The process is carried out in an electrolytic cell. Example: Electrolysis of Fused salts. When a fused salt is electrolyzed the metal ions called cations move to cathode and get discharged by picking up electrons hence undergoing reduction. The anions move towards anode and also get discharged by losing electrons hence undergoing oxidation.
  • Write reactions of discharging of lead accumulator battery. 
  • How electrochemical series predict feasibility of a reaction?
  • The standard oxidation potential of Zinc is 0.76V and its reduction potential is -0.76. Why?
  • How relative tendency of elements for redox reactions can be compared by using electrochemical series?
  • How can relative chemical reactivity of metals be compared by using electrochemical series?
  • How reaction of metals with dilute acids can be compared by electrochemical series?
  • Na and K can displace hydrogen from acids but Pt, Pd and Cu cannot. 
  • How displacement of one metal by another can be studied by electrochemical series? 
  • What is the difference between single electrode potential and standard electrode potential? Give its importance.  

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