Class 11 Chemistry Ch 10 Notes
Important complete Class 11 Chemistry Ch 10 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Electrochemistry of First-Year Chemistry for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Definition of Electrochemistry
- Difference between Electronic Conduction and Electrolytic Conduction: 1. This type of conduction is present in metals 1. This type of conduction is present in molten
salts or their aqueous solutions
2. This conduction is due to the movement of free
electrons present in metals
2. This conduction is due to the movement of
positive and negative ions
3. No physical or chemical change take place in
conductor during electronic conduction
3. Ions undergo oxidation and reduction reactions
at respective electrodes
4. Example: copper, iron etc 4. Example: Electrolysis of molten NaCl to Cl2 and
- Definition of Electrochemical Cells
- Definition of Electrolytic cells: “An electrochemical cell in which electric current is used to drive a non-spontaneous reaction is called
electrolytic cell”.
- Electrolysis of aqueous solution of salts (using inert electrodes)
- Examples of electrolysis
(When electrodes take part in reaction)
- Electrolytic processes of Industrial Importance
- Define Voltaic or Galvanic Cell with its construction
- Define Electrode Potential: The potential set up when an electrode is in contact with one molar solution of its own ions at 298 K is known
as standard electrode potential or standard reduction potential of the element. It is represented as E°.
Method of determination
When a metal strip is placed in a solution of its own ions, there are two tendencies.
1. The metal atoms may dissolve as positive ions. The electrons are deposited on the metal electrode.
2. The metal ions present in solution may take up electrons from the metal and get discharged as atoms. It
imparts a positive charge to the metal.
In both cases, a potential difference is set up between the metal and the solution which is called single electrode
- Determination of electrode potential with reference hydrogen electrode: 1. Arbitrary scale
Standard electrode potential of hydrogen has arbitrarily been chosen as zero.
2. Comparison with hydrogen electrode
The standard electrode potentials of other elements are found by comparing them with standard hydrogen
electrode potential.
3. Equilibrium between atoms and ions
The electrode potential set up when a metal piece is placed in a solution containing its own ions can be
explained in terms of equilibrium between the atoms of the metal and its ions in solution.
4. Formation of positive ions
When a metal is placed in a solution, some of its atoms tend to give electrons to the piece of metal and pass into
the solution as positively charged ions.
5. Formation of neutral atoms
The metallic ions already present in solution tend to take up electrons from the piece of metal and deposit
themselves as neutral atoms.
6. Factor deciding charge. Whichever tendency is greater determines whether the metal becomes negatively or positively charged.
7. No potential difference change
When equilibrium is attained the two opposing processes continue at the same rate and there is no further
change in the potential difference.
A rod of zinc will bear an accumulation of negative charges. This is due to the net ionization of some of its
Electrical double layer
The negative charge on the Zn-rod will attract an atmosphere of positively charged zinc ions around the rod to
form an electrical double layer.
- Measurement of Electrode Potential
- Establishment of galvanic cell
- Example of galvanic cell between zinc and hydrogen
- Example of galvanic cell between copper and hydrogen
- Define The Electrochemical Series and Applications of Electrochemical Series
- Calculation of the Voltage or Electromotive Force (EMF) of Cells
- Comparison of Relative Tendency of Metals and Non-Metals to Get Oxidized and Reduced
- Relative Chemical Reactivity of Metals with examples
- Modern Batteries and Fuel Cells and Principle of working and battery design
- Definition of Fuel Cells and Principle of working
- What is standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)? How it is used to measure the electrode potential of Zinc.
- Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
- Explain the construction and working of fuel cell. Write a note on fuel cells.
- Give explanation of discharging and recharging of lead accumulator along with reactions occurring at