Class 10 Physics Chapter 8 Question Answer

Important Class 10 Physics Chapter 8 Question Answer written by Honorable Mr. Qamar Jamal Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Sound for students of the 10th class Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed Class 10 Physics Chapter 8 Question Answer to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with correct Answers of Chapter No. 17: Information and Communication Technology in Physics class 10th Urdu Medium.
  • Important Short Questions with Correct Answers of Chapter No. 17: Information and Communication Technology in Physics class 10th Urdu Medium.
  • People: Every CBIS needs people if it is to be useful, who influence the success or failure of information systems. People design and operate the software, they feed input data, build the hardware for the smooth running of any CBIS. People write the procedures and it is ultimately people who determine the success or failure of a CBIS.
  • Flow of information means the transfer of information from one place to another through different electronic and optical equipments. In telephone, information is sent through wires in the form of electrical signals. In radio, television and cell phone information is sent either through space in the form of electromagnet waves, or through optical fibres in the form of light. Radiowaves are continuously refracted by different layers in the Earth's atmosphere. This leads to weaken the signal, making it difficult to be received over long distances. Unlike radiowaves, microwaves are not refracted. They are used for satellite communication.
  • There are three essential parts of any communication system: transmitter, transmission channel, and receiver.
  • The transmitter processes the input signal. The transmission channel is the medium which sends the signal from source to destination. It may be a pair of wires, a coaxial cable, a radiowave or optical fibre cable. So, the signal power progressively decreases with increasing distance. The receiver takes the output signal from the transmission channel and delivers it to the transducer after processing it. The receiver may amplify the input signal to compensate for transmission loss.
  • Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 made a simple telephone model to send voice in the form of electrical signal from one place to another. It consists of a metal reed, an electric coil, and a vibrating diaphragm. Modern telephone also uses diaphragms to turn voices into electrical signal that are transmitted over phone lines. Telephone system has two parts: the mouthpiece and the earpiece.
  • The mouthpiece and receiver contain carbon granules and a thin metal diaphragm. When we speak into the mouthpiece, the sound vibrations also vibrate the diaphragm. A slight vibration of the diaphragm compresses the carbon and thus an electrical current can flow through the wire. This process is reversed at the other end of the line by the receiver. The electrical current flowing through an electromagnet in the receiver produces a varying magnetic field. This magnetic field attracts the thin metal diaphragm in the receiver, causing it to vibrate. This vibration of the diaphragm produces sound waves.
  • If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class physics chapter 8 question answer, you've come to the right place.
  • Electrical signals representing information from a microphone, a TV camera, or a computer can be sent from one place to another place using either cables or radiowaves. Information in the form of audio frequency (AF) signals may be transmitted directly by cable. However, in order to send information over a long distance, it has to be superimposed on electromagnetic waves.
  • Sound waves produced at the radio station are changed into electrical signals through microphone. These electric signals are then fed into the transmission antenna which consists of two metal rods. Signals falling on the transmission antenna oscillate the charges which then emit these electrical signals in the form of electromagnetic radiowaves.
  • At the receiving end, the receiver selects and amplifies the modulated signal. The demodulator then extracts the information signal and delivers it to the receptor.

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