Class 10 Physics Chapter 7 Notes
Complete Notes on Chapter No.16: class 10 physics chapter 7 notes written by Mr. Tayyab Shahzad. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of class 10 physics chapter 7 notes for students of Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important physics chapter 7 class 10 notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Basic Electronics Exercise Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with Correct Answers
- Basic Electronics Exercise Short Questions with Answers.
- Define Electronics.
- Important physics class 10 chapter 7 notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Explain the working of different Parts of the Oscilloscope.
- What is a cathode ray oscilloscope?
- What is an Electron gun? Describe the process of thermionic emission.
- Important 10th class physics chapter 16 mcqs for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Differentiate between Analogue and Digital Electronics. Write down the names of
five Analogue and five Digital devices that are commonly used in everyday life.
- Write down some benefits of using Digital electronics over Analogue
- Important physics class 10 chapter 16 review questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What are the Three Universal Logic Gates? Give their Symbols and Truth
- Give three reasons to support the evidence that cathode rays are negatively
charged electrons.
- Write the use of logic gates.
- Important class 10 physics chapter 7 notes pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- When a moving electron enters the magnetic field, it is deflected from its
straight path. Name two factors which can enhance electron deflection.
- How can you compare the logic operation X = A.B with the usual operation of
- Important 10th physics notes for class 10 chapter 7 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- NAND gate is the reciprocal of AND gate. Discuss.
- What is meant by ADC and DAC?
- Define bit and byte.
- Important class 10th chapter 7 physics notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What do you mean by fluorescent screen?
- Define Logic function OR Logical Operations.
- Write the components of CRO.
- Important physics class 10th chapter 7 notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Define truth table.
- The branch of electronics consisting of circuits which process analogue quantities is called analogue electronics. For instance, the public address system is an analogue system in which the microphone converts sound into a continuously varying electric potential.
- Important physics notes for class 10 chapter 7 numericals for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- This potential is an analogue signal which is fed into an amplifier. Amplifier is an analogue circuit which amplifies the signal without changing its shape to such an extent that it can operate a loudspeaker. In this way, loud sound is produced by the speaker. Radios, televisions and telephones are a few common devices that process analogue signals.
- Important 10th class physics chapter 16 notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- The quantities whose values vary in non-continuous manner are called digital quantities. Digital version of analogue signal. Digital quantities are expressed in the form of digits or numbers. The branch of electronics which deals with digital quantities is called digital electronics. Digital electronics uses only two digits ‘0’ (zero) and ‘1’ (one) and the whole data is provided in binary form due to which processing of data becomes easy.
- Important 10th class physics chapter 16 pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- In our daily life, the quantities that we perceive by our senses are usually analogue quantities which cannot be processed by digital circuits. To overcome this problem, a special circuit has been designed which converts in binary form the analogue signal into a digital one in the form of digits in binary form. This circuit is known as analogue to digital converter (ADC).
- Important 10th class physics chapter 16 short questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- This binary output is then processed by a computer which also gives output in digital form. The output of the computer is again converted into an analogue form by a circuit known as digital to analogue converter (DAC). As the output of DAC is an analogue signal, it can be readily sensed by us. Thus, electronic systems used at present consist of both analogue and digital type circuits.
- Important 10th class physics chapter 16 numericals solved for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- BASIC OPERATIONS OF DIGITAL ELECTRONICS – LOGIC GATES: A switch has only two possible states. It could be either open or closed. Similarly, a given statement would be either true or false. Such things which can have only two possible states are known as binary variables. The states of usually represented by the digits ‘0’ and ‘1’.
- Important 10th class physics chapter 16 numerical for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Suppose we form a circuit by connecting a lamp to a battery using a switch S. We call state of switch as input and state of current or lamp as output. When the switch is open no current passes through the circuit and lamp is OFF.
- "These states are also called logic states or logic variables".
- Important class 10th physics chapter 16 important questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.