Class 10 Physics Chapter 4 Question Answer

Important Class 10 Physics Chapter 4 Question Answer written by Honorable Mr. Qamar Jamal Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Sound for students of the 10th class Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed Class 10 Physics Chapter 4 Question Answer to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with correct Answers of Chapter No. 13: Electrostatics in Physics class 10th Urdu Medium.
  • Important Short Questions with Correct Answers of Chapter No. 13: Electrostatics in Physics class 10th Urdu Medium.
  • ELECTROSCOPE: The gold leaf electroscope is a sensitive instrument for detecting charges. It consists of a brass rod with a brass disk at the top and two thin leaves of gold foil hanging at the bottom. The rod passes through an insulator that keeps the rod in place . Charges can move freely from the disk to the leaves through the rod. A thin aluminium foil is attached on the lower portion of the inside of the jar. Usually, the aluminium foil is grounded by connecting a copper wire. This protects the leaves from the external electrical disturbances.
  • Detecting the Presence of Charge: In order to detect the presence of charge on anybody, bring the body near the disk of an uncharged electroscope. If the body is neutral there will be no deflection of the leaves. But if the body is positively or negatively charged, the leaves of the electroscope diverge. For example, if the body is negatively charged then due to electrostatic induction, positive charge will appear on the disk while negative charge will appear on the leaves. The leaves of electroscope repel each other and diverge because each leave gets similar charge. The divergence of leaves will depend on the amount of charge.
  • Charging the Electroscope by Electrostatic Induction:
  • Electroscope can be charged by the process of electrostatic induction. In order to produce positive charge on the electroscope, bring a negatively charged body near the disk of the electroscope. Positive charge will appear on the disk of the electroscope while negative charges will shift to the leaves. Now connect the disk of electroscope to the earthed aluminium foil by a conducting wire. Charge of the leaves will flow to the Earth through the wire. Now if we first break the Earth connection and then remove the rod, the electroscope will be left with positive charge.
  • Electroscope can also be charged by the process of conduction. Touch a negatively charged rod with the disk of a neutral electroscope. Negative charge from the rod will transfer to the electroscope and will cause its leaves to diverge. 
  • Detecting the Type of Charge:
  • For the detection of type of charge on a body, electroscope is first charged either positively or negatively. Suppose the electroscope is positively charged as explained before. Now in order to detect the type of charge on a body, bring the charged body near the disk of the positively charged electroscope. If the divergence of the leaves increases, the body carries positive charge. On the other hand if the divergence decreases, the body has negative charge.
  • Identifying Conductors and Insulators:
  • Electroscope can also be used to distinguish between insulators and conductors. Touch the disk of a charged electroscope with material under test. If the leaves collapse from their diverged position, the body would be a good conductor. If there is no change in the divergence of the leaves, it will show that the body under test is an insulator.
  • If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class physics chapter 4 question answer, you've come to the right place.
  • COULOMB'S LAW: We know that a force of attraction or repulsion acts between two charged bodies. How is this force affected when the magnitude of the charge on the two bodies or the distance between them is changed? In order to find the answers of these questions, a French scientist Charles Coulomb (1736–1806) in 1785 experimentally established the fundamental law of electric force between two stationary changed particales.

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