Class 10 Physics Chapter 2 Question Answer

Important Class 10 Physics Chapter 2 Question Answer written by Honorable Mr. Qamar Jamal Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Sound for students of the 10th class Physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed Class 10 Physics Chapter 2 Question Answer to help you prepare for your exams.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers of Chapter No. 11: Sound in Physics class 10th Urdu Medium.
  • Important Short Questions with Correct Answers of Chapter No. 11: Sound in Physics class 10th Urdu Medium.
  • Sound is a form of energy that can be heard and travels in waves.
  • When matter vibrates or moves back and forth very quickly a sound is made.
  • Sound waves can travel through solids liquids or gases.
  • For example, when a school bell rings parts of the bell will vibrate creating sound.
  • Sound Requires Material Medium for its Propagation: Unlike light waves which are electromagnetic in nature and can also pass through vacuum, sound waves require some material medium for their propagation. This can be proved by bell jar apparatus. The bell jar is placed on the platform of a vacuum pump.
  • An electric bell is suspended in the bell jar with the help of two wires connected to a power supply. By setting ON the power supply, electric bell will begin to ring. We can hear the sound of the bell. Now start pumping out air from the jar by means of a vacuum pump. The sound of the bell starts becoming more and more feeble and eventually dies out, although bell is still ringing. When we put the air back into the jar, we can hear the sound of the bell again. From this activity, we conclude that sound waves can only travel/propagate in the presence of air (medium).
  • Longitudinal Nature of Sound Waves: Propagation of sound waves produced by vibrating tuning fork can be understood by a vibrating tuning fork. Before the vibration of tuning fork, density of air molecules on the right side is uniform. When the right prong of tuning fork moves from mean position O to B, it exerts some pressure on the adjacent layer of air molecules and produces a compression.
  • If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class physics chapter 2 question answer, you've come to the right place.
  • This compressed air layer in turn compresses the layer next to it and so on. A moment later, the prong begins to move from B towards A. Now the pressure in the adjacent layer decreases and a rarefaction is produced. This rarefaction is transfered to the air layer next to it and so on. As the tuning fork moves back and forth rapidly, a series of compressions and rarefactions are created in the air. In this way, sound wave propagates through the air.
  • Sounds of different objects can be distinguished on the basis of different characteristics as described below:
  • Loudness: Loudness is the characteristic of sound by which loud and faint sounds can be distinguished.
  • When we talk to our friends, our voice is low, but when we address a public gathering our voice is loud. Loudness of a sound depends upon a number of factors. Some of them are discussed below:
  • Amplitude of the vibrating body: The loudness of the sound varies directly with the amplitude of the vibrating body. The sound produced by a sitar will be loud if we pluck its wires more violently. Similarly, when we beat a drum forcefully, the amplitude of its membrane increases and we hear a loud sound.
  • Area of the vibrating body: The loudness of sound also depends upon the area of the vibrating body.

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