Class 10 English Chapter 8 Notes

Important Class 10 English Chapter 8 Notes by Mr. Tayyab Shahzad Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of the English Compulsory for students and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Here are the detailed Class 10 English Chapter 8 Notes to help you prepare for your exams.
  • The wind is now,  a roaring, smashing
  • monster of destruction, raking all man's work
  • from the valleys,  from the vales,
  • and sends them spinning,  broken flying
  • Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem "Peace" written by "Dr. Hartmann".
  • Context: In this poem, the poetess mentions the two opposite aspects of wind. She says that when the wind takes the form of a storm, it destroys everything which comes in its way. It becomes violent and destroys trees, fields and buildings. But when the wind becomes gentle it gives lives to buds, birds and humans. The poetess concludes that the wind is in reality, a peace loving agent of nature.
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  • Stanza 1: In these lines, the poetess gives us a description of a strong wind damaging and destroying everything. It roars like a lion. It is ruining people's colonies and belongings in valleys as well as vales. It is throwing this belongings spinning into the air. It seems to be a great destructor. The poetess compares the wind to monster of destruction.
  • But all of that is, not its core,
  • its center is in truth, eternal stillness
  • bright blue skies, and all you hear, are gentle whispers
  • far away,  and unimportant
  • If you're looking for comprehensive class 10 english chapter 8 notes pdf, you've come to the right place.
  • Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem "Peace" written by "Dr. Hartmann".
  • Context: In this poem, the poetess mentions the two opposite aspects of wind. She says that when the wind takes the form of a storm, it destroys everything which comes in its way. It becomes violent and destroys trees, fields and buildings. But when the wind becomes gentle, it gives lives to buds, birds and humans. The poetess concludes that the wind is in reality, a peace loving agent of nature.
  • Stanza 2: In these lines, the poetess tells us that inspite of all the destruction the wind causes it is not a destructor. In, reality it is Ta peaceful agent of nature. Everyone is well aware of its gentleness and peacefulness. It usually blows very gently and peacefully and gives lives to by vest whispering through the leaves of trees and consider it unimportant.
  • Download the class 10 english notes chapter 8 today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • The poem 'Peace' Summary: (For Average Students)
  • The theme of the poem "Peace' is universal. In the peem we find a description of a strong wind. It roars like a lion. It destroys man's colonies and belongings. It becomes a destructor. The poetess compares it to a monster of destruction.
  • The poetess says that inspite of all the destruction the wind causes it is not a destructor: In reality it is peace-loving. Everyone is aware of its peacefulness. It gives lives to buds, birds and humans.
  • Through the example of the wind the poetess wants to tell us that man who is notorious for his destruction is, in reality, peace loving. He wants to live in peace. The factors which corrupt his peaceful nature are responsible for the destruction he causes. We must sruggle to remove these factors to establish peace.
  • Get access to high-quality english class 10 chapter 8 notes that cover all the important topics.
  • Summary: (For Brilliant Students)
  • The poem 'Peace' is thought provoking and carries a great message for us to understand. The theme of the poem is universal. The poetess wants us to know what appears to us is tnot the same in reality.
  • In the poem, we find a description of a strong wind damaging and destroying everything. It roars like a lion and demolishes man's colonies and ruins his belongings. In the poem, the poetess compares the wind to a monster of destruction.
  • The poetess says that inspite of all this the wind is in reality, a peace-loving agent of nature. Everyone knows about its peacefulness and gentleness. It gives lives to buds, birds and humans.
  • Through the example of the wind, the poetess wants to make us realize that man is in reality, peace-loving and wants to live in peace. He firmly belives in peaceful-co-existence However, the factors which are at work and corrupt his peaceful nature are responsible for the destruction he causes.
  • Our comprehensive english class 10 notes chapter 8 will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • So to establish peace all over the world we must struggle against them and remove these factors.
  • Theme: Nature teaches us lessons through wind, water, mountains and light. Wind in the form of storm smashes every thing. In its rage it destroys trees, fields and buildings. But when the wind is gentle the cool it gives lives to buds, birds and humans. We have to experience storms to enjoy peace.

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