Class 10 Computer Chapter 4 Notes
Complete Class 10 Computer Chapter 4 Notes Data and Repetition in 10th Class Computer Science English and Urdu Medium. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Class 10 Computer Chapter 4 Notes for students of the 10th class Computer Science and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 10 class computer chapter 4 mcqs for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- An array is a ...... structure. (A) Loop (B) Control (C) Data (D) Conditional
- Array elements are stored at ...... memory locations. (A) Contiguous (B) Scattered (C) Divided (D) None
- If the size of an array is 100, the range of indexes will be: (A) 0-99 (B) 0-100 (C) 1-100 (D) 2-102
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 notes pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- ........ structure allows repetition of a set of instructions. (A) Loop (B) Control (C) Data (D) Conditional
- ....... is the unique identifier, used to refer to the array. (A) Data Type (B) Array name (C) Array size (D) None
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 exercise solutions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Array can be initialized ...... declaration. (A) At the time of (B) After (C) Before (D) Both a & b
- Using loops inside loops is called loops. (A) For (B) While (C) Do-while (D) Nested
- ...... part of for loop is executed first. (A) Condition (B) Body (C) Initialization (D)Increment/Decremnt
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 question answer for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- ...... make it easier to read and write values in array. (A) Loops (B) Conditions (C) Expressions (D) Functions
- To initialize the array in a single statement, initialize it declaration. (A) At the time of (B) After (C) Before (D) Both a & b
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 programming exercise for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Accessing array elements: Each element of an array has an index that can be used with the array name as array_name[index] to access the data stored at that particular index. First element has the index 0, second element has the index 1 and so on. Thus height[0] refers to the first element of array height, height[1] refers to the second element and so on. Graphical representation of array height initialized in the last section.
- Important class 10 computer notes chapter 4 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Using variables as array indexes: A very important feature of arrays is that we can use variables as array indices e.g. look at the following program:
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 exercise for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- EXAMPLE CODE: #include , void main() , { int array[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50); , int i; , /* Following statements ask the user to input an index into variable i. */ , printf("Please enter the index whose value you want to display"); , scanf("%d", &i); , /* Following statement displays the value of the array at the index entered by user. */ , printf("The value is %d", array[i]); }
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 important questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Loop Structure: If we need to repeat one or more statements, then we use loops. For example, if we need to write Pakistan thousand times on the screen, then instead of writing printf("Pakistan"); a thousand times, we use loops. C language provides three kind of loop structures:
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 short question answer for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- 1- Forloop, 2- While loop, 3- Do While loop. In this chapter, our focus is on for loops.
- General structure of loops: If we closely observe the process that humans follow for repeating a task for specific number of times then it becomes easier for us to understand the loop structures that C language provides us for controlling the repetitions.
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 pdf solutions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Let's assume that our sports instructor asks us to take 10 rounds of the running track. How do we perform this task? First we set a counter to zero, because we have not yet taken a single round of the track. Then we start taking the rounds. After each round we increase our counter by 1 and check whether we have completed 10 rounds or not yet.
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 exercise solutions pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- If we have not yet completed the 10 rounds then we again take a round, increase our counter by 1, and again check whether we have taken 10 rounds or not. We repeat this process till our counter reaches 10.
- Different programming languages follow similar philosophy in the loop structures for repeating a set of instructions.
- Important class 10 computer chapter 4 extra questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.