Class 10 Biology Guess Paper
Important class 10 biology guess paper written by Honorable Sir Mr. Fasial Pasha Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the class 10 biology guess paper of Biology English Medium for the students of the Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important guess paper of biology class 10 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Important Short and Long questions of each Chapter of Biology English Medium Class 10th for all Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Define cellular respiration.
- How does gaseous exchange in plants take place?
- What are stomata? Write their function.
- What are lenticels? What is their function?
- How will you differentiate between a stoma and lenticels?
- Differentiate between breathing and respiration.
- Describe aerobic respiration.
- What is the function of hairs and mucous in a nasal cavity?
- Important biology guess paper 2025 class 10 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Differentiate between nasal cavity and nostrils.
- Differentiate between a glottis and an epiglottis.
- How sound is produced in larynx?
- What is trachea? How does cartilage in its walls keep it from collapsing?
- What are alveoli? Write their function.
- What are pleural membranes? Write down their function.
- Define oxygenated blood.
- What is the difference between inhalation and exhalation?
- Important biology class 10 guess paper 2025 pdf download for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Differentiate between bronchi and bronchioles.
- What is emphysema? Give its symptoms.
- What is Pneumonia? Differentiate between single and double pneumonia.
- Define asthma and give its reasons.
- Write down the common symptoms of lung cancer.
- What is passive smoking? How it is harmful?
- What is nicotine? What are its harmful effects?
- How smoking affects teeth?
- Define homeostasis. Give two examples.
- What is the difference between osmoregulation and thermoregulation?
- Important guess paper of biology class 10 2025 for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- How homeostasis of CO2 and O2 takes place in plants?
- Differentiate between turgidity and guttation.
- What is the difference between resins and gums?
- Differentiate between hydrophytes and xerophytes. Give one example.
- Define halophytes with an example.
- Define osmosis.
- What is the difference between latex and mucilage?
- Our skin consists of how many layers? What are their functions?
- How skin keeps our body cool?
- What is the shape, size and weight of kidney?
- What are the important parts of nephron?
- What is a renal corpuscle? Write the names of its two important parts.
- Differentiate between renal corpuscle and renal tubule.
- Differentiate between renal cortex and renal medulla.
- What is pressure filtration?
- What is glumerular filtrate?
- What is meant by selective re absorption? How it occurs?
- Differentiate between pressure filtration and tubular secretion.
- Differentiate between hilus and pelvis.
- Write down any two major causes of kidney stones.
- What are the symptoms of kidney stones?
- What is lithotripsy?
- Write contributions of Abu-al-Qasim Al-Zahravi in biology.
- What is meant by dialysis? Write the names of its methods.
- What do you mean by a bone? Describe its structure.
- What conditions are necessary for the germination of seed?
- What are the main components of an axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton of human?
- What is meant by tissue culture and cloning? Explain.
- What is meant by a joint? Describe different types of joints.
- What is meant by pollination? Differentiate between self and cross pollination.
- Describe the roles of tendons and ligaments in human skeletal system.
- Write down the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation of plants.
- What is arthritis? Write down its symptoms and treatment. Also describe its different types.
- Describe two common methods of artificial propagation.
- What is meant by binary fission? How asexual reproduction by binary fission takes place in bacteria, amoeba and planaria.
- What is meant by vegetative propagation? Describe different ways of natural vegetative propagation.
- Discuss the biotic components of an ecosystem.
- Write a note on carbon cycle.
- Write a note on nitrogen cycle.
- What is meant by acid rain? Write down the significant effects of acid rain.
- Define green house effect. What is global arming? Write its effects.
- What is water pollution? Describe its effects and control.
- Write the important achievements of biotechnology with reference to medicine, agriculture and environment.
- Describe two basic types of carbohydrate fermentation.