Class 10 Biology Chapter 9 Notes
Complete Notes on Chapter No.18: Class 10 Biology Chapter 9 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of Class 10 Biology Chapter 9 Notes for students of the 10th class Biology and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 10th class biology chapter 9 mcqs for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Important Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers of Chapter No. 18: Pharmacology in Biology class 10th English Medium.
- Important 10 class biology chapter 9 mcqs for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Important Short Questions with Correct Answers of Chapter No. 18: Pharmacology in Biology class 10th English Medium.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 mcqs with answers for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Define pharmacology and distinguish it from pharmacy?
- Name different sources of drugs.
- Differentiate between Pharmaceutical drug or medicinal drug and addictive drugs.
- Important 10th class biology chapter 9 question answer for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Write the names of drugs obtained from plants and
- Define pharmacology and pharmacologist.
- Give details of drugs obtained from animals.
- Important biology chapter 9 class 10 notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- From which morphine is obtained?
- What is iodine tincture? Write its use.
- Important biology class 10 chapter 9 notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What is use of powder silver nitrate?
- Write names of two drugs obtained from minerals
- What are Synthetic Drugs?
- Important 10th class biology chapter 9 important questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What is difference between antibiotics and disinfectants?
- Describe two precautions before taking medicine.
- Name two Narcotics obtained from opium.
- Important 10th class biology chapter 9 exercise for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What are the uses of Narcotics?
- Explain morphine and codeine.
- Write the uses of diamorphine.
- Important biology class 10 chapter 9 short notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What is Heroin? Give its bad effect.
- Write some problems in drug addiction.
- Write difference between antigens and antibodies.
- Important biology class 10 chapter 9 full explanation for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What is meant by social stigma?
- Write effects of hallucinogens.
- Write two major groups of antibiotics.
- Important class 10th biology chapter 9 important notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Which organ is affected by the use of expired
- Define Vaccine. Give its working briefly. Or
What are Vaccines?
- Name four diseases in which vaccines are used.
- Important 10th class biology chapter 9 short questions pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What do you know about sulpha drugs?
- Which medicines are used for lowering the blood pressure?
- What is the function of antibodies in blood?
- Important 10th class biology chapter 9 short questions pdf free download for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Define broad spectrum antibiotic and narrow spectrum.
- What is the difference between vaccine and vaccination?
- What is the most common method of administering a vaccine?
- Important class 10th biology chapter 9 short question answer for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- What problem is faced by the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
- Why does society dislike a drug abuser?
- Which antibiotic was discovered by Fleming?
- Important class 10th biology chapter 9 short notes for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Write down the names of two drugs obtained from minerals.
- Which microorganism is killed by cephalosporin's? Name two diseases for which
these are used.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 short questions and answers for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- How Edward Jenner made the use of the vaccine in 1796? Or
Write a short note on the discovery of vaccines. Or
What is the contribution of Edward Jenner?
- From where is Marijuana obtained? OR What are its effects on the human body? OR What is marijuana?
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 short notes pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Long Questions: Describe narcotics with the examples of morphine and codeine.
- What are the sources of Drugs?
- Explain principle usage of important medicinal drugs.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 short questions and answers pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Write down the mode of action of vaccines.
- Describe major groups of antibiotics.
- How resistance is produced against antibiotics? Explain
- 3. Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens are the drugs that cause changes in perception, thought, emotion and consciousness.
The group includes mescaline, which comes from a cactus and psilocin, which comes from a
- Important class 10th biology chapter 9 important topics for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Physiologically, hallucinogens affect on the sympathetic nervous system, causing
dilation of pupils, constriction of some arteries and rise in blood pressure.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 important questions with answers pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- 4. Marijuana (Hashish)
Marijuana is a hallucinogen, which is smoked. It is obtained from the flowers, stems, and leaves of
the marijuana plant (Cannabis sativa and C. indica). Small doses of marijuana result in a feeling of
well-being that lasts two to three hours. High doses increase heart rate. It also affects the production
of sperms in men and also weakens the short-term memory.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 important diagrams for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- Drug Addiction And Associated
Problems: Drug abusers go through withdrawal of social contact
or communication. Many studies by the experts
of social sciences prove that there exists a close
relationship between drug addiction and crime.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 important questions pdf for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.
- The compulsion for narcotic drug makes every drug
addict a law violator and a criminal. Mere possession
of a narcotic drug is a violation of the law. Thus, every
drug addict is subject to arrest by the police.
Most narcotic addicts get involved in various types of crime e.g. robbery, shoplifting, burglary,
embezzlement etc.
- Important class 10 biology chapter 9 important short questions for all students of Punjab Textbook Board.